Effect of contextual diversity on word recognition in different semantic contexts
Zhongchen Mu
Psych Journal ›› 2024, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (1) : 44-54.
Effect of contextual diversity on word recognition in different semantic contexts
Efficient word recognition is important to facilitate reading comprehension. Two important factors influence word recognition—word frequency (WF) and contextual diversity (CD)—but studies have not reached consistent conclusions on their role. Based on previous studies, the present study strictly controlled the anticipation of sentence context on target words. In the context of the semantic incongruence of Chinese sentences—that is, when the context is equivalent and low in anticipation of the target noun—CD effects were found on late processing indicators of the eye movement data of parafoveal words, and the CD feature of parafoveal words led to a significant parafoveal-on-foveal effect. However, none of these results were found in the semantically reasonable (semantic congruence) context. The results suggested that high CD words are better at adapting to unexposed or learned contexts, which was not the case for high WF words.
contextual diversity / parafovea / semantic incongruence / word frequency / word recognition
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