Seeking central hopelessness symptoms which direct link to resilience among parents of children with autism spectrum disorder in China—A network perspective

Yulin Huang, Yalin Huang, Miaoxuan Lin, Yanqiang Tao

Psych Journal ›› 2024, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (1) : 102-112.

Psych Journal ›› 2024, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (1) : 102-112. DOI: 10.1002/pchj.707

Seeking central hopelessness symptoms which direct link to resilience among parents of children with autism spectrum disorder in China—A network perspective

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The intervention process for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is inextricably associated with their parents' mental health problems, such as hopelessness, which may adversely affect resilience and indirectly impact the effectiveness of interventions for their children. Hence, the motivation to help parents of children with ASD reduce hopelessness prompted us to conduct the present study and explore the interrelationship between hopelessness symptoms and resilience. This study evaluated hopelessness and resilience using the Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS) and the Connor–Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC). Participants met the criteria for their children's ASD diagnosis by a psychiatrist (N = 448; 54.69% mothers; Meanage = 34.59 years, SDage = 4.94 years). Moreover, we used symptom network analysis to examine the variability in network structure between fathers and mothers. The flow function was applied to examine which hopelessness symptoms were directly or indirectly associated with resilience. The results showed that #BHS11 (i.e., unpleasantness-ahead) was the central symptom found in the network structure for all parents and fathers, while #BHS17 (i.e., no-future-satisfaction) was the central symptom in the network structure for mothers. Additionally, #BHS6 ([NOT] expect-to-succeed) was directly and positively associated with resilience in all three network structures (i.e., all parents, fathers, and mothers). The results of the present study provide evidence that influential symptoms should be addressed and offer guidance for further interventions to reduce hopelessness and enhance resilience among parents of children with ASD.


hopelessness / network analysis / parents with autistic children / resilience

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Yulin Huang, Yalin Huang, Miaoxuan Lin, Yanqiang Tao. Seeking central hopelessness symptoms which direct link to resilience among parents of children with autism spectrum disorder in China—A network perspective. Psych Journal, 2024, 13(1): 102‒112


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2023 2023 The Authors. PsyCh Journal published by Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.




