Empathy and cooperation vary with gender in Chinese junior high school adolescents
Qin Wu, Weiwei Bu, Dong Lin, Liying Cui, Aruna Wu, Hehui Zou, Chen Gu
Psych Journal ›› 2024, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (1) : 55-65.
Empathy and cooperation vary with gender in Chinese junior high school adolescents
Previous research on the relationship between empathy and subcategories of prosocial behavior, specifically cooperation, has shown inconsistent findings. It has also paid limited attention to gender differences in the impact of empathy. Therefore, this study examined the relationship between empathy and cooperation in Chinese junior high school adolescents, and the gender differences, through three studies. In Study 1, 448 eighth-grade adolescents (age = 12–15 years, 55.1% males) completed the Interpersonal Reactivity Index and Cooperative Propensity Rating Scale; the results showed that adolescent empathy was positively associated with cooperative propensity, and this association was significantly higher for males than for females. Study 2 used longitudinal data from 246 eighth-grade adolescents (age = 12–15 years, 54.5% males) to further support the positive association between empathy and cooperation propensity and the gender differences found in Study 1. Study 3 employed the public goods dilemma to examine the effects of empathic states on the cooperative behavior of 157 eighth-grade adolescents (age = 13–16 years, 48% males) by evoking empathy. Using different research methods, this study revealed a facilitative relationship between empathy and cooperation and demonstrated that empathy was more predictive of cooperation among male than among female adolescents.
cooperative behavior / cooperative propensity / empathy / gender difference / junior high school adolescents
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