The role of self-compassion and compassion toward others in burnout syndrome in a sample of medical students

Ignacio Ramos-Vidal, Érika Ruíz

Psych Journal ›› 2024, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (1) : 113-123.

Psych Journal ›› 2024, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (1) : 113-123. DOI: 10.1002/pchj.692

The role of self-compassion and compassion toward others in burnout syndrome in a sample of medical students

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Burnout produces negative effects on academic performance, and, in turn, feelings of inefficiency that are detrimental to students' psychosocial well-being. The aim of this research is to determine the effects that self-compassion and compassion toward others have on various burnout dimensions in a sample of medical students. A total of 235 medical students (61.7% women) aged between 16 and 32 years old (M = 19.82; SD = 2.37) belonging to a Colombian university participated. A cluster analysis to segment the population according to burnout was carried out along with nonparametric contrasts to identify differences in the levels of self-compassion and compassion toward others between each profile. A series of regression analyses was designed to find out how each type of compassion was associated with burnout on each profile. The cluster analysis allowed us to identify three profiles. The low-involvement profile (n = 51) is characterized by low depersonalization, intermediate levels of emotional exhaustion and personal accomplishment and exhibits low levels of self-compassion and compassion fatigue compared with the other profiles. The positive-adaptation profile (n = 104) is characterized by low depersonalization levels, intermediate degrees of emotional exhaustion and high levels of personal accomplishment and exhibits the highest levels of self-compassion and compassion fatigue compared with the other profiles. The high-demand profile (n = 104) is characterized by intermediate depersonalization levels, medium–high levels of emotional exhaustion and high levels of personal accomplishment and exhibits intermediate levels of self-compassion and low levels of compassion fatigue. Establishing profiles based on burnout allows students to be segmented and for precise knowledge to be acquired about the effects that both types of compassion have on the dimensions of burnout.


burnout / cluster analysis / compassion fatigue / compassion toward others / medical students / self-compassion

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Ignacio Ramos-Vidal, Érika Ruíz. The role of self-compassion and compassion toward others in burnout syndrome in a sample of medical students. Psych Journal, 2024, 13(1): 113‒123


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2023 2023 The Authors. PsyCh Journal published by Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.




