May 2022, Volume 4 Issue 6

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  • SUN Huixian, LI Huijun, ZHANG Baoming, ZHOU Changyi, XUE Changbin, ZHU Yan, XU Xinfeng, LI Jun, DU Guoqing
    Payloads are the direct tools for achieving science objectives,and their technical approach and level impacts the implementation degree of science objectives. Science objectives and payloads configuration for Chinese lunar and deep space exploration are reviewed. Technical realization,operation results and achievements of some remote sensing payloads of the Chang’e-1 and Chang’e-2 lunar orbiting probes are introduced,including the stereo camera and interferometer spectrometer imager,laser altimeter,microwave radiometer,gamma and X-ray spectrometer,Solar high energy particle detector and Solar wind ions detector. The technical realization,operation results and achievements of some in-situ and rover exploration payloads of the Chang’e-3 lunar lander and rover are introduced,including the terrain camera,lunar based telescope,extreme ultraviolet camera,imager and infrared spectrometer,alpha particle X-ray spectrometer and lunar penetrating radar. The development trends of the payloads technology is analyzed,and the development of Chinese payloads technology is prospected.
  • ZHU Yan, BAI Yunfei, WANG Lianguo, SHEN Weihua, ZHANG Baoming, WANG Wei, ZHOU Shengyu, DU Qingguo, CHEN Chunhong
    Science objectives and payloads configuration for Chinese Mars-1 exploration project are introduced. Integral technical scheme of the payloads system are introduced,including the power supply,telecontrol and telemetry,science data processing,onboard autonomous,and the major program of workflow. According to the complex functions and decentralized placement of the Mars-1 orbiter payloads system,a dedicated payload-controller is designed to organically link the system through bus network,providing a unitive electrical interface with the orbiter platform. According to the restriction on the weight,volume and power supply of the Mars-1 rover payloads system,a public payload-controller is designed,integrating most of the main control units of the rover payloads,and realizing centralized control and management.
  • XUE Changbin, ZHOU Qing, WANG Lei, GENG Hao, LIU Peng, ZHU Chongyang, ZHANG Wenzhang, XU Xinfeng, LI Jun
    Chinese Chang’e-4 probe will become the first man-made spacecraft to soft land on the far side of the Moon. The spacecraft is equipped with diverse scientific payloads. The Chang’e-4 mission is analyzed,the design and implementation methods to meet the scientific objectives and exploration mission is introduced. Meanwhile,the first international cooperated scientific payload program in Chinese deep space exploration is also introduced. One of the highlighted scientific objectives of Chang’e-4 mission is low frequency radio exploration in the clean electromagnetic environment on the far side of the Moon by a Chinese very low frequency radio spectrometer(VLFRS)and a Netherlands–China long–wavelength explorer(NCLE),configured on the lander and the relay satellite separately. Because Solar low frequency electric field signal is extremely weak,how to eliminate the near field noise emission from electronic equipment on the spacecraft is the main problem of this task. The noise rejection of not less than 30 dB is realized by optimizing the receiving antennas design and data processing algorithms on the ground,which can fulfill the scientific task.
  • WANG Xinyue, SUN Yueqiang, LI Yongping, TANG Ping
    Mass spectrometer is one of the primary science payloads for deep space explorations. It has been used for the atmosphere and soil composition analysis of the planet system and the small Solar system body for many times. The composition and isotope abundant of the atmosphere and soil measurement can be used for the research of the resource prospection,inhabitability,celestial body evolvement,origin and the history of the key geologic events. Mass spectrometer has been used for several times in deep space missions of exploring the atmosphere of Mars,Saturn system,Jupiter system and comets etc. The deep space objects detected by mass spectrometer are introduced. The quadrupole mass spectrometer is used widely in deep space exploration activities. It’s not only used to detect the thin atmosphere and the adsorption gas of the soil but also to detect the dense atmosphere with the front design of the vacuum equipment. The spaceborne quadrupole mass spectrometer developed by National Space Science Center has been used widely in the detection of the component and density of the Earth atmosphere. Finally,the development trends of the MS technology are analyzed,including miniaturization,broaden spectrum and large dynamic count range.
  • LI Lei, WANG Jindong, ZHOU Bin, CHENG Bingjun, ZHANG Yiteng, FENG Yongyong, Chen Siwen
    Measurement of magnetic fields is one of the important tasks in deep space exploration missions. From magnetic fields,it is possible to explore the planetary interiors,to study the evolution of the planets,and to understand space environment of the Solar system. The fluxgate magnetometer based on the Faraday’s law is used to measure the magnetic field. Due to its high adaptability,maturity and low cost,it is the most widely used magnetometry instrument in the deep space missions. The principles of the measurement,and the methods of the ground and in-orbit calibrations of the instrument are briefly reviewed. The applications of the instrument in deep space exploration missions are also introduced. At present,China has already been able to develop high precision fluxgate magnetometer for space applications. It is expected that the fluxgate magnetometer will play important roles in future deep space exploration missions.
  • DENG Jianfeng, GAO Ai, CUI Pingyuan
    In this paper,aiming at the adverse effects of uncertain parameters,such as Mars atmospheric density uncertainty,on state estimation,a modified multiple model adaptive estimation (MMAE) method using mixture-of-experts framework is proposed. Normalization dimensional processing of different measurement information during entry phase is conducted by the proposed method to overcome the inherent defects such as poor stability and numerical underflow of traditional MMAE method,further improving the state estimation accuracy. The method is also applied to two different navigation scenarios under different Mars entry detection modes. The simulation results show that the proposed method can obtain precise state estimation when there is uncertain disturbance in dynamics system.
  • LAI Xiaoming, DU Zhihao, WANG Guofeng, WANG Guoxin, MO Guidong
    According to the characteristic and service conditions of the core-drilling device and the requirement of space environment,the deformation and stress distribution of the device were computed at low and high temperatures in store stage with the finite element analysis method based on the simplified model,then deformation and stress distribution of the device under different drilling conditions were also computed,and the temperature and displacement of key points were obtained. Finally,the temperature of sealer and the tolerance between the core pipe and soft bag were also simulated and the tolerance. And the results show that the material of each component and the designed fit clearance can meet the engineering requirements. It can provide theoretical basis for future engineering application.
  • REN Depeng, LI Qing, PENG Song
    The fuel cell is a clean energy device with high efficiency and high output power,and has been successfully applied in Apollo program. The research on fuel cell in China started quite early. At present,the technical capability of developing fuel cells for spacecraft is preliminarily established. However,as the fuel cell is one of the disposable energy resource,its application has been limited to the aerospace field. Recently,the development of new spacecraft in China provides a new application opportunity for fuel cells. Based on investigation and analysis,a hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell concept is proposed,as the main power source for a lunar probe. The advantages of the fuel cell are summarized by comparing with the traditional power concept. And its characteristics and key technologies for application are comprehensively analyzed. The scheme provides a new idea for the application of fuel cells in domestic aerospace field.
  • LIU Xueqi, SUN Haibin, SUN Shengli
    The development of observing near-Earth objects and the defense strategies of a variety of near-Earth asteroids are investigated. By comparing and analyzing the realization principle,key technology and existing problems of the defense strategies,the applicability,feasibility and effectiveness of the various strategies are evaluated. Furthermore,with the analysis and summary of these strategies,combining with the research status of near-Earth asteroid defense strategies in China,an effective strategy is put forward,which combines a variety of strategies to take the relevant effective tactics coping with the potential threat of the asteroids. For example,the kinetic impactor,the Solar collector,the mass driver,or the low thrust propeller are used on one side of the asteroid,and the gravity tractor is used on the other side,that can more effectively deflect the asteroid toward one direction,and gain time for the development of spacecraft and the implementation of defense strategies.
  • WANG Jianzhao, TIAN Dai, ZHANG Qingxiang, ZHANG Xiangyu, ZHENG Yuzhan, HU Yanqi, CAI Zhenbo
    Jupiter has a similar radiation belt structure as Earth. The proton flux in Jupiter’s magnetosphere is about 10 times of that in the Earth. The electron flux in Jupiter’s magnetosphere is about 2~3 magnitude order higher than that of the Earth,and the maximum energy of electron is about 1 GeV. So,the anti-radiation design is one of the key technologies in Jupiter mission. Three elliptical orbits with different inclinations and two kinds of dielectric are selected,and the internal charging processes in time-varying electron environment are simulated. For Fr4 material,the conductivity is relatively small and the deposited charge will leak off when the spacecraft is far away from the center of radiation belt. The maximum charging field is determined by the maximum electron flux. For Kapton material,the conductivity is relatively large and the deposited charge will be accumulated between different orbits,so the charging field will grow gradually. Large inclinations of orbit will benefit in decreasing charging field. Comparing the internal charging behavior of Jupiter elliptical orbit with that of GEO orbit,it is found that the difference of charging field between Fr4 and Kapton in Jupiter orbits is smaller than that in GEO orbit.
  • SHI Xueshu, JIAO Yiwen, MA Hong
    Large scale antenna arraying system is superior than a single large antenna in deep space TT&C network. Building a Ka band antenna array system is a cost-effective and sustainable technical scheme for interplanetary TT&C and astronomical observation. However,due to the rapid fluctuation of the phase drift between antennas,the synthetic signal to noise ratio (SNR) will be deteriorated rapidly when the antenna array working at Ka band. The phase drift also brings challenges for deep space uplink signals phase monitoring and closed-loop control,so it is necessary to measure and numerically simulate the atmospheric phase disturbance between the antennas. Based on the relevant interferometry data,the atmospheric phase disturbance measurement method and statistical analysis method of the antenna array are analyzed,and then the antenna array phase drift jitter model is established by using the microwave atmospheric turbulence model. Several phase delay disturbance processes caused by atmospheric turbulence are simulated based on the model. Using the above model,the applicability of the antenna array signal synthesis processing can be tested and evaluated.
  • HAN Jianwei, SHANGGUAN Shipeng, MA Yingqi, ZHU Xiang, CHEN Rui, LI Sai
    Pulsed laser is a new method which can be used to simulate single event effects(SEE)of space exploration payloads. It can locate the most SEE sensitive area of the test devices,and also can dynamically test SEE time response of the circuit system. With test and theory research,the relationship between laser threshold energy of single event upset and single event latch-up with heavy ion linear energy transition(LET)is established. And the laser quantification is obtained through the evaluation of SEE sensitivity of space exploration payloads. It’s of great significance for establishing standards of the pulsed laser evaluation and test,and for providing references for further engineering application. The SEE sensitivity and its effects on the circuit system are required to be tested,and suitable circuits are to be designed to avoid SEE. The method for avoiding SEE of the experimental circuit system should be tested,and special ASIC radiation hard circuit should be designed for the space payloads. All mentioned above need fine SEE tests.