Oct 2023, Volume 10 Issue 04

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    Maria Cristina Inserra, Alessia Di Mari, Giulia Passaniti, Maria Teresa Cannizzaro, Giuliana La Rosa, Daniela Poli, Placido Gitto, Laura Patanè, Placido Romeo

    Arterial tortuosity syndrome (ATS) is a very rare autosomal recessive disorder that affects the connective tissue. The incidence of ATS is not well known and to date only 106 patients have been described in the literature. ATS affects medium and large size arteries, leading to widespread elongation and intensification of the average vessel tortuousness, responsible of several loops and kinks. Like other connective tissue disorders, ATS can present with joint laxity, hernias, pectus excavatum, scoliosis or other musculoskeletal abnormalities, and ocular defects. Due to the extreme variability of clinical symptoms and the fact that ATS has no curative management, prompt diagnosis is of tremendous importance to prevent disease-associated complications. In this situation, imaging techniques have a central role. In this study, we describe a rare case of a male newborn with tortuosity and lengthening of the main arterial and venous medium and large caliber branches with associated aortic coarctation who passed away prematurely. The finding of aortic coarctation in a newborn with ATS has rarely been described in the literature.

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    Maha Alotaibi, Amal Alqasmi, Faisal Albassam, Turki Alkahtani, Muath Alqahtany, Mohammed Alkhaldi

    One of the most common inborn errors in fatty acid β oxidation (FAO) is a very long-chain acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase (VLCAD) deficiency. It is autosomal recessive. The enzyme used in the first phase of FAO is VLCAD. The enzyme is responsible for β oxidation spiral pathway's initial step, the dehydrogenation process of long-chain fatty acyl-CoA. The phenotypes include hypoglycemia, hepatomegaly, cardiomyopathy, and occasionally abrupt mortality. Most VLCAD deficiencies in newborns are now detected during the neonatal period due to the development of newborn screening programs. Mitochondrial DNA depletion syndromes (MTDPS) are one of the rarest metabolic disorders. It is an autosomal recessive disease caused by defects in genes necessary for the maintenance of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). One of these FBXL4 (F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 4) variants causes encephalomyopathic mtDNA depletion syndrome 13 (MTDPS13), which presents as a failure to thrive, severe global developmental delay, hypotonia, early infantile onset of encephalopathy, and lactic acidosis. We report here the case of a Saudi infant born to consanguineous parents who presented to us with severe failure to thrive, profound neurodevelopmental delays, and facial dysmorphic features. Whole-exome sequencing (WES) showed the infants had MTDPS13. The FBXL4 variant c.1698A > G p. (Ile566Met) has previously been described as a disease that causes developmental delay and lactic acidosis, and another variant has also been detected in the patient. The ACADVL variant c.134C > A p. (Ser45*) has previously been described to cause VLCAD deficiency. A comprehensive literature review showed our patient to be the first case of MTDPS13 and VLCAD reported to date worldwide.

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    Jiaying Liu, Lei Zhang
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    Jialin Su, Shuhua Tan, HouwuGong, Yongzhong Luo, Tianli Cheng, Hua Yang, Xiaoping Wen, Zhou Jiang, Yuning Li, Lemeng Zhang

    Background The purpose of our study was to construct a prognostic model based on ferroptosis-related gene signature to improve the prognosis prediction of lung squamous carcinoma (LUSC).
    Methods The mRNA expression profiles and clinical data of LUSC patients were downloaded. LUSC-related essential differentially expressed genes were integrated for further analysis. Prognostic gene signatures were identified through random forest regression and univariate Cox regression analyses for constructing a prognostic model. Finally, in a preliminary experiment, we used the reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction assay to verify the relationship between the expression of three prognostic gene features and ferroptosis.
    Results Fifty-six ferroptosis-related essential genes were identified by using integrated analysis. Among these, three prognostic gene signatures (HELLS, POLR2H, and POLE2) were identified, which were positively affected by LUSC prognosis but negatively affected by immune cell infiltration. Significant overexpression of immune checkpoint genes occurred in the high-risk group. In preliminary experiments, we confirmed that the occurrence of ferroptosis can reduce three prognostic gene signature expression.
    Conclusions The three ferroptosis-related genes could predict the LUSC prognostic risk of antitumor immunity.

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    Ban Wang, Jichun Pan,BS, Zhonghui Liu,PhD

    Background Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is identified as a chronic, progressive lung disease, predominantly marked by enhanced fibroblast proliferation and excessive deposition of extracellular matrix. The intricate interactions between diverse molecular pathways in fibroblasts play a crucial role in driving the pathogenesis of IPF.
    Methods This research is focused on elucidating the roles of FOXO3a, a transcription factor, and USP18, a ubiquitin-specific protease, in modulating fibroblast functionality in the context of IPF. FOXO3a is well-known for its regulatory effects on cellular responses, including apoptosis and oxidative stress, while USP18 is generally associated with protein deubiquitination.
    Results Our findings highlight that FOXO3a acts as a critical regulator in controlling fibroblast activation and differentiation, illustrating its vital role in the pathology of IPF. Conversely, USP18 seems to promote fibroblast proliferation and imparts resistance to apoptosis, thereby contributing to the exacerbation of fibrotic processes. The synergistic dysregulation of both FOXO3a and USP18 in fibroblasts was found to significantly contribute to the fibrotic alterations characteristic of IPF.
    Conclusion Deciphering the complex molecular interactions between FOXO3a and USP18 in fibroblasts provides a deeper understanding of IPF pathogenesis and unveils novel therapeutic avenues, offering a promising potential for not just halting but potentially reversing the progression of this debilitating disease.

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    Darja Kanduc

    This study calls attention on molecular mimicry and the consequent autoimmune cross reactivity as the molecular mechanism that can cause adverse events following meningococcal B vaccination and warns against active immunizations based on entire antigen.

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    Athanasios Michas, Vasileios Michas, Evangelos Anagnostou, Michail Galanopoulos, Maria Tolia, Nikolaos Tsoukalas

    Colorectal carcinoma (colon and rectum) is currently considered among the most prevalent malignancies of Western societies. The pathogenesis and etiological mechanisms underlying colorectal cancer (CRC) development remain complex and heterogeneous. The homeostasis and function of normal human intestinal cells is highly regulated by microRNAs. Therefore, it is not surprising that mutations and inactivation of these molecules appear to be linked with progression of colorectal tumors. Recent studies have reported significant alterations of microRNA expression in adenomas and CRCs compared with adjacent normal tissues. This observed deviation has been proposed to correlate with the progression and survival of disease as well as with choice of optimal treatment and drug resistance. MicroRNAs can adopt either oncogenic or tumor-suppressive roles during regulation of pathways that drive carcinogenesis. Typically, oncogenic microRNAs termed oncomirs, target and silence endogenous tumor-suppressor genes. On the other hand, tumor-suppressive microRNAs are critical in downregulating genes associated with cell growth and malignant capabilities. By extensively evaluating robust studies, we have emphasized and distinguished a discrete set of microRNAs that can modulate tumor progression by silencing specific driver genes crucial in signaling pathways including Wnt/b-catenin, epidermal growth factor receptor, P53, mismatch repair DNA repair, and transforming-growth factor beta.

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    Erum Khan, Soura Chakrabarty, Sanobar Shariff, Mainak Bardhan

    Chronic pancreatitis is a long-term fibroinflammatory condition of the pancreas with varying incidences across countries. The recent increase in its occurrence implies the involvement of genetic, hereditary, and unconventional risk factors. However, there is a lack of updated literature on recent advances in genetic polymorphisms of chronic pancreatitis. Therefore, this review aims to present recent findings on the genetic implications of chronic pancreatitis based on individual gene mechanisms and to discuss epigenetics and epistasis involved in the disease. Four mechanisms have been implicated in the pathogenesis of chronic pancreatitis, including premature activation of proteases, endoplasmic reticulum stress, ductal pathway dysfunction, and inflammatory pathway dysfunction. These mechanisms involve genes such as PRSS1, PRSS2, SPINK, CEL, PNLIP, PNLIPRP2, CFTR, CaSR, CLDN2, Alpha 1 antitrypsin, and GGT1. Studying genetic polymorphisms on the basis of altered genes and their products may aid clinicians in identifying predispositions in patients with and without common risk factors. Further research may also identify associations between genetic predispositions and disease staging or prognosis, leading to personalized treatment protocols and precision medicine.

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    A. Di Nora, M.C. Consentino, G. Messina, T. Timpanaro, P. Smilari, P. Pavone

    Netherton syndrome is a rare, multisystem, autosomal recessive genodermatosis characterized by a triad of manifestations: congenital ichthyosis, immune dysregulation, and scalp anomalies. We report the case of a 1-month-old male infant evaluated for failure to thrive and feeding difficulties. At birth, the infant was admitted to intensive care for severe hypernatremia (natremia 186 mg/dL). Upon entering the ward, the general conditions were poor. He presented with diffuse erythrodermia. A dermatological evaluation showed evidence of “invaginated trichuriasis,” a typical sign of Netherton syndrome. Netherton syndrome is caused by a genetic mutation causing loss of function of the SPINK5 gene it encodes for the LEKTI protein, normally expressed in epithelia. Loss of LEKTI induces severe skin barrier defect. The history of the disease is characterized by serious potential complications in the first months of life, such as the risk of hypernatremic dehydration induced by high skin permeability, recurrent and/or severe infections, and growth retardation.

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    Mehran Radak, Hossein Fallahi

    This review article discusses the epigenetic regulation of quiescent stem cells. Quiescent stem cells are a rare population of stem cells that remain in a state of cell cycle arrest until activated to proliferate and differentiate. The molecular signature of quiescent stem cells is characterized by unique epigenetic modifications, including histone modifications and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) methylation. These modifications play critical roles in regulating stem cell behavior, including maintenance of quiescence, proliferation, and differentiation. The article specifically focuses on the role of histone modifications and DNA methylation in quiescent stem cells, and how these modifications can be dynamically regulated by environmental cues. The future perspectives of quiescent stem cell research are also discussed, including their potential for tissue repair and regeneration, their role in aging and age-related diseases, and their implications for cancer research. Overall, this review provides a comprehensive overview of the epigenetic regulation of quiescent stem cells and highlights the potential of this research for the development of new therapies in regenerative medicine, aging research, and cancer biology.

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    A. Di Nora, G. Pellino, A. Di Mari, F. Scarlata, F. Greco, P. Pavone

    In the clinical practice, it is not common for pediatricians to visit children with overgrowth phenotype. When it happens, it is important to focus on the age of manifestations and research the pathogenic causes using appropriate genetic test. Cowden syndrome is one of these rare causes; it is an autosomal dominant genodermatosis characterized by multiple hamartomas of ectodermal, mesodermal, and endodermal origin. It is caused by loss of function mutations in the phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN) gene located on chromosome 10q23.1 Loss of function of the PTEN gene contributes to overgrowth and risk for a variety of cancers including breast, thyroid, endometrium, skin, kidneys, and colon. The early diagnosis of Cowden disease allows a careful monitoring of the patients who are facing the risk of cancer transformation, which is the principal complication of the condition.

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    Baohua Li, Wenjuan Li, Yingxue Liang, Chen Zhang, Guangyao Kong, Zongfang Li

    Objectives Spleen is involved in multiple diseases, the role of the spleen and spleen-derived factors in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is still not clarified.
    Methods In the current study, a murine H22 orthotopic hepatoma model was established. Three groups were divided: normal mice, tumor-bearing mice with spleen-preserving, and tumor-bearing mice with splenectomy. Spleen and tumor weights were recorded by weeks 1 and 2. The proportion of myeloid-derived suppressor cell (MDSC) in peripheral blood and tumor tissue was detected using flow cytometry. Protein chip assay was used to compare the differential cytokines between normal liver supernatant and tumor supernatant. The common upregulated cytokines both in spleen and tumor were focused and analyzed using gene expression profiling interactive analysis (GEPIA) database. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was performed to verify the chip result, and to examine CCL9 expression before and after splenectomy. Spleen MDSC was sorted using flow cytometry, and chemotaxis assay was performed to demonstrate whether CCL9 attracted spleen MDSC.
    Results The spleen enlarged during tumor progression, and compared with splenectomy group, there were faster tumor growth, shorter survival time, and higher proportions of MDSC in spleen-preserving group. Protein chip assay and GEPIA database revealed CCL9 was the most promising chemokine involved in HCC upregulated both in spleen and tumor tissue. CCL9 attracted MDSC in vitro, the level of CCL9 in tumor tissue was downregulated, and the percentage of MDSC was decreased after splenectomy.
    Conclusion The results demonstrate that CCL9 may be derived from spleen; it facilitated HCC growth via the chemotaxis of MDSC, targeting CCL9 may be a promising strategy in HCC treatment.

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    Xin Qiu, Qing-Qing Jiang, Wei-Wei Guo, Ning Yu, Shi-ming Yang

    Background Noise and drug-induced hearing loss (HL) is becoming more and more serious, but the integration and analysis based on transcriptomics and proteomics are lacking. On the one hand, this study aims to integrate existing public transcriptomic data on noise and gentamicin-induced HL. On the other hand, the study aims to establish the gentamicin and noise-induced HL model of guinea pigs, then to perform the transcriptomic and proteomic analyses. Through comprehensive analysis of the above data, we aim to screen, predict, and preliminarily verify biomarkers closely related to HL.
    Material and Methods We screened the Gene Expression Omnibus database to obtain transcriptome data expression profiles of HL caused by noise and gentamicin, then constructed the guinea pig HL model and perform the transcriptomic and proteomic analyses. Differential expression and enrichment analysis were performed on public and self-sequenced data, and common differentially expressed genes (DEGs) and signaling pathways were obtained. Finally, we used proteomic data to screen for common differential proteins and validate common differential expression genes for HL.
    Results By integrating the public data set with self-constructed model data set, we eventually obtained two core biomarkers of HL, which were RSAD2 and matrix metalloproteinase-3 (MMP3). Their main function is to regulate the development of sense organ in the inner ear and they are mainly involved in mitogen-activated protein kinase and phosphoinositol-3 kinase/protein kinase B signaling pathways. Finally, by integrating the proteomic data of the self-constructed model, we also found differential expression of MMP3 protein. This also preliminarily and partially verified the above-mentioned core biomarkers.
    Conclusion and Significance In this study, public database and transcriptomic data of self-constructed model were integrated, and we screened out two core genes and various signal pathways of HL through differential analysis, enrichment analysis, and other analysis methods. Then, we preliminarily validated the MMP3 by proteomic analysis of self-constructed model. This study pointed out the direction for further laboratory verification of key biomarkers of HL, which is of great significance for revealing the core pathogenic mechanism of HL.

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    Piero Pavone, Xena Giada Pappalardo, Claudia Parano, Enrico Parano, Antonio Corsello, Martino Ruggieri, Giovanni Cacciaguerra, Raffaele Falsaperla

    Background Microtia is an uncommon congenital malformation ranging from mild anatomic structural abnormalities to partial or complete absence of the ear leading to hearing impairment. Congenital microtia may present as a single malformation (isolated microtia) or sometimes associated with other congenital anomalies involving various organs. Microtia has been classified in three degrees according to the complexity of the auricular malformation and to anotia referred to the total absence of the ear. Genetic role in causing auricular malformation has been widely demonstrated, and genotype-phenotype correlation has been reported in cases of syndromic microtia.
    Case Presentation We report here a young patient with a third degree of scale classification and aural atresia. The patient showed unspecific facial dysmorphism, speech delay, precocious teething, hair white patch, and stereotypic anomalous movements. Genetic analysis displayed a de novo 16p13.11 deletion.
    Conclusion Microtia with aural atresia is an uncommon and severe birth defect, which affects functional and esthetic aspects, often associated with other malformations. As traumatic this disorder may be for the parents, the microtia and aural atresia are treatable, thanks to the improving and evolving surgical techniques. Based on the genetic analysis and the clinical features observed in the present case, a genotype-phenotype correlation has been proposed.

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    Polyanna Oliveira, Paula Correa, Angelina Acosta, Juliana Freitas, Taísa Machado-Lopes, Thais Bomfim-Palma, Ândrea Ribeiro-dos-Santos, Sidney Santos, Roberto Nascimento, Ivana Nascimento, Kiyoko Abe-Sandes

    Introduction Cancer is a multifactorial disease dependent on the influence of genetic and environmental factors. About 10% of cancers are associated with germline mutations, which predispose to a higher risk of developing cancer. Currently, the use of panels that identify susceptibility and/or association genes cancer has been increasingly used, both in clinical practice and in scientific research.
    Objective To investigate genetic mutations in patients with a profile for hereditary cancer in individuals from a region of northeast Brazil, where there is a high frequency of endogenous and consanguineous marriages.
    Methods A set of 17 genes (BRCA1, BRCA2, APC, TP53, PTEN, RET, VHL, RB1, CDKN2, CDH1, CHEK2, MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, MUTYH, XPA, and XPC) associated with cancer and hereditary syndromes were analyzed. Fifteen patients with a hereditary cancer profile were evaluated.
    Results The pathogenic variant found was c.1187G > A (p.Gly396Asp), rs36053993 in the MUTYH gene in a male patient diagnosed with melanoma at the age of 43 years and a family history for this tumor. This gene encodes an important enzyme related to DNA repair and has been associated with other types of cancer, this is the first report of an association with melanoma, the biological plausibility of this association is given once the MUTYH protein is expressed in the skin tissue and is responsible for repairing damage caused, for example, by sun exposure.
    Conclusion The results of this study suggest that this mutation may be important for the hereditary predisposition to melanoma, but a broader investigation of this mutation is needed.

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    Oluwatosin Debola Oyebode, Pınar Tulay

    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder that advances gradually and primarily impacts the hippocampus region of the brain. It is defined by a deterioration in cognitive function as well as an observable loss of memory retention. One of the major characteristics of AD is the impairment of neural generation, resulting in the depletion of neurons and synaptic connections within the nervous system. It is unfortunate to say that, at present, no definitive cure is available for AD, and no medication is effective in halting the progression of neurodegeneration associated with it. Nevertheless, it is crucial to highlight that progress has been achieved in addressing the troubling symptoms of AD. The Food and Drug Administration has granted approval for two categories of medications designed to alleviate these symptoms. The scientific community has been inspired by these advancements to investigate alternative therapeutic options, with an emphasis on stem cell therapy in particular. The main focus of this review will be on the potential for the use of a variety of mesenchymal stem cells as a treatment for AD.

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    Yaoxian Xiang, Li Wang, Yurong Cheng, Huanjuan An, Chan Zhang, Jing Wang, Yingying Tong, Dong Yan

    The aim of the study was to evaluate the potential diagnostic and prognostic value of gene, Poly A-Binding Protein Interacting Protein 2B (PAIP2B) in pancreatic cancer. We used the gene expression data and clinical information of pancreatic adenocarcinoma patients from The Cancer Genome Atlas database and Gene Expression Omnibus database to analyze the expression of PAIP2B in pancreatic cancer samples, and validated the expression of PAIP2B in tumor tissue, using bioinformatics technology to explore the prognostic value of PAIP2B and its possible biological function. A significantly lower level of PAIP2B was observed in pancreatic cancer patients than in controls, and validated by immunohistochemistry. PAIP2B reduced the proliferation and invasion of cancer cells and had a significantly high expression in early stage. Patients with lower levels of PAIP2B had a significantly shorter median survival time than those with higher levels. DNA demethylation played an important role in PAIP2B expression. In addition, PAIP2B expression was significantly associated with the tumor-infiltrating immune cells, especially T cells CD8, T cells CD4 memory resting, macrophages M0, and dendritic cells resting. Our study also found that PAIP2B regulated miRNA function leading to disease progression in pancreatic cancer patients. Our study explored the potential value of PAIP2B as a biological link between prognosis and pancreatic cancer, and provided reference for the follow-up study on the role of PAIP2B in pancreatic cancer.