Frontiers of Philosophy in China >
Ars Erotica and Ars Gastronomica in Shusterman’s Somaesthetics
Published date: 19 Jun 2015
This paper explores the roles of the erotic and gastronomic arts in Richard Shusterman’s somaesthetics. By discussing the relationship between moral education and the cultivation of gustatory taste in classical Chinese philosophy, this paper suggests future avenues of research for somaesthetics that draw on the rich tradition of thinking about food and the body in Chinese philosophy.
Key words: ars erotica; gastronomy; somaesthetics; Richard Shusterman; Chinese philosophy
Russell Pryba . Ars Erotica and Ars Gastronomica in Shusterman’s Somaesthetics[J]. Frontiers of Philosophy in China, 2015 , 10(2) : 192 -200 . DOI: 10.3868/s030-004-015-0015-5
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