Apr 2024, Volume 19 Issue 2

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    Nanyan XU, Yunhe SHENG

    In this paper, we study non-abelian extensions of 3-Leibniz algebras through Maurer-Cartan elements. We construct a differential graded Lie algebra and prove that there is a one-to-one correspondence between the isomorphism classes of non-abelian extensions in 3-Leibniz algebras and the equivalence classes of Maurer-Cartan elements in this differential graded Lie algebra. And also the Leibniz algebra structure on the space of fundamental elements of 3-Leibniz algebras is analyzed. It is proved that the non-abelian extension of 3-Leibniz algebras induce the non-abelian extensions of Leibniz algebras.

    Shuaishuai XUE

    In this paper, we prove an infinite dimensional KAM theorem and apply it to study 2-dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger equations with different large forcing terms and (2p + 1)-nonlinearities


    under periodic boundary conditions. As a result, the existence of a Whitney smooth family of small-amplitude reducible quasi-periodic solutions is obtained.

    Jufeng ZHANG, Min CHEN, Yiqiao WANG

    Given a list assignment of L to graph G, assign a list L(v) of colors to each vV(G). An (L, d)*-coloring is a mapping π that assigns a color π(v) L(v) to each vertex vV(G) such that at most d neighbors of v receive the color v. If there exists an (L, d)*-coloring for every list assignment L with |L(v)|k for all vV(G), then G is called to be (k, d)*-choosable. In this paper, we prove every planar graph G without adjacent k-cycles is (3, 1)*-choosable, where k {3, 4, 5}.