The main aim of this paper is to discuss the problem concerning the analyticity of the solutions of analytic non-linear elliptic boundary value problems. It is proved that if the corresponding first variation is regular in Lopatinskiïi sense, then the solution is analytic up to the boundary. The method of proof really covers the case that the corresponding first variation is regularly elliptic in the sense of Douglis-Nirenberg-Volevich, and hence completely generalize the previous result of C. B. Morrey. The author also discusses linear elliptic boundary value problems for systems of elliptic partial differential equations where the boundary operators are allowed to have singular integral operators as their coeffcients. Combining the standard Fourier transform technique with analytic continuation argument, the author constructs the Poisson and Green s kernel matrices related to the problems discussed and hence obtain some representation formulae to the solutions. Some a priori estimates of Schauder type and Lp type are obtained.
WANG Rouhuai
. Analyticity of solutions of analytic non-linear general elliptic boundary value problems, and some results about linear problems[J]. Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2006
, 1(3)
: 382
DOI: 10.1007/s11464-006-0016-8