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Nonabelian omni-Lie algebroids
In this paper, we study the structure of nonabelian omni-Lie algebroids. Firstly, taking Lie algebroid as the starting point, a nonabelian omni-Lie algebroid is defined on direct sum bundle , where and are, respectively, the gauge Lie algebroid and the jet bundle of vector bundle , and study its properties. Furthermore, it is concluded that the nonabelian omni-Lie algebroid is a trivial deformation of the omni-Lie algebroid, and the nonabelian omni-Lie algebroid is a matched pair of Leibniz algebroids.
Yanhui BI , Hongtao FAN , Danlu CHEN . Nonabelian omni-Lie algebroids[J]. Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2022 , 17(6) : 1037 -1049 . DOI: 10.1007/s11464-022-1033-y
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