Frontiers of Mathematics in China >
Symmetric Hermitian decomposability criterion, decomposition, and its applications
Received date: 16 Jan 2021
Accepted date: 24 Mar 2021
Published date: 15 Oct 2022
The Hermitian tensor is an extension of Hermitian matrices and plays an important role in quantum information research. It is known that every symmetric tensor has a symmetric CP-decomposition. However, symmetric Hermitian tensor is not the case. In this paper, we obtain a necessary and sufficient condition for symmetric Hermitian decomposability of symmetric Hermitian tensors. When a symmetric Hermitian decomposable tensor space is regarded as a linear space over the real number field, we also obtain its dimension formula and basis. Moreover, if the tensor is symmetric Hermitian decomposable, then the symmetric Hermitian decomposition can be obtained by using the symmetric Hermitian basis. In the application of quantum information, the symmetric Hermitian decomposability condition can be used to determine the symmetry separability of symmetric quantum mixed states.
Guyan NI , Bo YANG . Symmetric Hermitian decomposability criterion, decomposition, and its applications[J]. Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2022 , 17(5) : 961 -986 . DOI: 10.1007/s11464-021-0927-4
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