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Diffusion bound and reducibility for discrete Schrödinger equations with tangent potential
Received date: 05 Sep 2011
Accepted date: 15 Aug 2012
Published date: 01 Dec 2012
In this paper, we consider the lattice Schr¨odinger equations , with α satisfying a certain Diophantine condition, , and τ = 1 or 2, where is a spatial localized real bounded potential satisfying . We prove that the growth of H1 norm of the solution is at most logarithmic if the initial data for ϵ sufficiently small and a.e. x fixed. Furthermore, suppose that the linear equation has a time quasi-periodic potential, i.e., . Then the linear equation can be reduced to an autonomous equation for a.e. x and most values of the frequency vectors ω if ϵ and δ are sufficiently small.
Key words: Tangent potential; reducibility; Sobolev norm; Birkhoff normal form
Shiwen ZHANG , Zhiyan ZHAO . Diffusion bound and reducibility for discrete Schrödinger equations with tangent potential[J]. Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2012 , 7(6) : 1213 -1235 . DOI: 10.1007/s11464-012-0241-2
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