Frontiers of Mathematics in China >
Property T and strong property T for unital *-homomorphisms
Received date: 19 Jul 2016
Accepted date: 27 Mar 2020
Published date: 15 Apr 2020
We introduce and study property T and strong property T for unital *-homomorphisms between two unital C*-algebras. We also consider the relations between property T and invariant subspaces for some canonical unital *-representations. As a corollary, we show that when G is a discrete group, G is nite if and only if G is amenable and the inclusion map i : has property T: We also give some new equivalent forms of property T for countable discrete groups and strong property T for unital C*-algebras.
Qing MENG . Property T and strong property T for unital *-homomorphisms[J]. Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2020 , 15(2) : 385 -398 . DOI: 10.1007/s11464-020-0831-3
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