Frontiers of Mathematics in China >
Number of fixed points for unitary Tn−1-manifold
Received date: 24 Jun 2019
Accepted date: 03 Aug 2019
Published date: 15 Aug 2019
Let M be a 2n-dimensional closed unitary manifold with a Tn−1-action with only isolated fixed points. In this paper, we first prove that the equivariant cobordism class of a unitary Tn−1-manifold M is just determined by the equivariant Chern numbers [M],where ω= (i1, i2, ..., i6) are the multi-indexes for all i1, i2, ..., i6∈. Then we show that if Mdoes not bound equivariantly, then the number of fixed points is greater than or equal to , where denotes the minimum integer no less than n/6.
Shiyun WEN , Jun MA . Number of fixed points for unitary Tn−1-manifold[J]. Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2019 , 14(4) : 819 -831 . DOI: 10.1007/s11464-019-0785-5
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