Frontiers of Mathematics in China >
Acute perturbation of Drazin inverse and oblique projectors
Received date: 24 Apr 2018
Accepted date: 19 Sep 2018
Published date: 02 Jan 2019
For an n×n complex matrix A with ind(A) = r; let AD and = I-AAD be respectively the Drazin inverse and the eigenprojection corresponding to the eigenvalue 0 of A: For an n×n complex singular matrix B with ind(B) =s; it is said to be a stable perturbation of A; if is nonsingular, equivalently, if the matrix B satisfies the condition R(Bs) and , introduced by Castro-Gonz
Sanzheng QIAO , Yimin WEI . Acute perturbation of Drazin inverse and oblique projectors[J]. Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2018 , 13(6) : 1427 -1445 . DOI: 10.1007/s11464-018-0731-y
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