Frontiers of Mathematics in China >
Moderate deviations for Euler-Maruyama approximation of Hull-White stochastic volatility model
Received date: 05 Feb 2018
Accepted date: 03 May 2018
Published date: 14 Aug 2018
We consider the Euler-Maruyama discretization of stochastic volatility model
which has been widely used in nancial practice, where are two uncorrelated standard Brownian motions. Using asymptotic analysis techniques, the moderate deviation principles for log Sn (or log in case Sn is negative) are obtained as under different discretization schemes for the asset price process St and the volatility process : Numerical simulations are presented to compare the convergence speeds in different schemes.Yunshi GAO , Hui JIANG , Shaochen WANG . Moderate deviations for Euler-Maruyama approximation of Hull-White stochastic volatility model[J]. Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2018 , 13(4) : 809 -832 . DOI: 10.1007/s11464-018-0705-0
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