Frontiers of Mathematics in China >
Hörmander index in finite-dimensional case
Received date: 14 Dec 2016
Accepted date: 18 Jan 2017
Published date: 11 Jun 2018
We calculate the Hörmander index in the finite-dimensional case. Then we use the result to give some iteration inequalities, and prove almost existence of mean indices for given complete autonomous Hamiltonian system on compact symplectic manifold with symplectic trivial tangent bundle and given autonomous Hamiltonian system on regular compact energy hypersurface of symplectic manifold with symplectic trivial tangent bundle.
Key words: Maslov index; Hörmander index; Maslov-type index; symplectic reduction
Yuting ZHOU , Li WU , Chaofeng ZHU . Hörmander index in finite-dimensional case[J]. Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2018 , 13(3) : 725 -761 . DOI: 10.1007/s11464-018-0702-3
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