Frontiers of Mathematics in China >
Linear homotopy method for computing generalized tensor eigenpairs
Received date: 24 Jul 2015
Accepted date: 21 Sep 2017
Published date: 27 Nov 2017
Let m, , n be positive integers such that . Let be an mth order n-dimensional tensor, and let be an th order n-dimensional tensor. λ ∈ is called a -eigenvalue of if and for some x ∈. In this paper, we propose a linear homotopy method for solving this eigenproblem. We prove that the method finds all isolated -eigenpairs. Moreover, it is easy to implement. Numerical results are provided to show the efficiency of the proposed method.
Key words: Tensors; generalized eigenpairs; polynomial systems; linear homotopy
Liping CHEN , Lixing HAN , Liangmin ZHOU . Linear homotopy method for computing generalized tensor eigenpairs[J]. Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2017 , 12(6) : 1303 -1317 . DOI: 10.1007/s11464-017-0662-z
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