Frontiers of Mathematics in China >
Asymptotic behavior for log-determinants of several non-Hermitian random matrices
Received date: 16 Apr 2016
Accepted date: 09 Jan 2017
Published date: 06 Jul 2017
We study the asymptotic behavior for log-determinants of two unitary but non-Hermitian random matrices: the spherical ensembles A−1B, where A and B are independent complex Ginibre ensembles and the truncation of circular unitary ensembles. The corresponding Berry-Esseen bounds and Cramér type moderate deviations are established. Our method is based on the estimates of corresponding cumulants. Numerical simulations are also presented to illustrate the theoretical results.
Lei CHEN , Shaochen WANG . Asymptotic behavior for log-determinants of several non-Hermitian random matrices[J]. Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2017 , 12(4) : 805 -819 . DOI: 10.1007/s11464-017-0629-0
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