Asymptotic behavior for log-determinants of several non-Hermitian rand om matrices
Lei CHEN, Shaochen WANG
Front. Math. China ›› 2017, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (4) : 805-819.
Asymptotic behavior for log-determinants of several non-Hermitian rand om matrices
We study the asymptotic behavior for log-determinants of two unitary but non-Hermitian random matrices: the spherical ensembles A−1B, where A and B are independent complex Ginibre ensembles and the truncation of circular unitary ensembles. The corresponding Berry-Esseen bounds and Cramér type moderate deviations are established. Our method is based on the estimates of corresponding cumulants. Numerical simulations are also presented to illustrate the theoretical results.
Log-determinants / Berry-Esseen bounds / moderate deviations / spherical ensembles / circular unitary ensembles
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