Quaternion rings and octonion rings

  • Gangyong LEE 1 ,
  • Kiyoichi OSHIRO , 2
  • 1. Department of Mathematics, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea
  • 2. Department of Mathematics, Yamaguchi University, Yamaguchi, Japan

Received date: 27 Oct 2015

Accepted date: 23 Feb 2015

Published date: 01 Feb 2017


2016 Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg


In this paper, for rings R, we introduce complex rings ℂ(R), quaternion rings ℍ(R), and octonion rings О, which are extension rings of R; R ⊂ ℂ(R) ⊂ ℍ(R) ⊂ O(R). Our main purpose of this paper is to show that if R is a Frobenius algebra, then these extension rings are Frobenius algebras and if R is a quasi-Frobenius ring, then ℂ(R) and ℍ(R) are quasi-Frobenius rings and, when Char(R) = 2, O(R) is also a quasi-Frobenius ring.

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Gangyong LEE , Kiyoichi OSHIRO . Quaternion rings and octonion rings[J]. Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2017 , 12(1) : 143 -155 . DOI: 10.1007/s11464-016-0571-6

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