Frontiers of Mathematics in China >
Exact joint laws associated with spectrally negative Lévy processes and applications to insurance risk theory
Received date: 12 Nov 2012
Accepted date: 10 Oct 2013
Published date: 29 Oct 2014
We consider the spectrally negative Lévy processes and determine the joint laws for the quantities such as the first and last passage times over a fixed level, the overshoots and undershoots at first passage, the minimum, the maximum, and the duration of negative values. We apply our results to insurance risk theory to find an explicit expression for the generalized expected discounted penalty function in terms of scale functions. Furthermore, a new expression for the generalized Dickson’s formula is provided.
Chuancun YIN , Kam C. YUEN . Exact joint laws associated with spectrally negative Lévy processes and applications to insurance risk theory[J]. Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2014 , 9(6) : 1453 -1471 . DOI: 10.1007/s11464-013-0186-5
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