Frontiers of Mathematics in China >
Nonmonotone adaptive trust region method based on simple conic model for unconstrained optimization
Received date: 21 Feb 2013
Accepted date: 29 Nov 2013
Published date: 26 Aug 2014
We propose a nonmonotone adaptive trust region method based on simple conic model for unconstrained optimization. Unlike traditional trust region methods, the subproblem in our method is a simple conic model, where the Hessian of the objective function is approximated by a scalar matrix. The trust region radius is adjusted with a new self-adaptive adjustment strategy which makes use of the information of the previous iteration and current iteration. The new method needs less memory and computational efforts. The global convergence and Q-superlinear convergence of the algorithm are established under the mild conditions. Numerical results on a series of standard test problems are reported to show that the new method is effective and attractive for large scale unconstrained optimization problems.
Lijuan ZHAO , Wenyu SUN , Raimundo J. B. de SAMPAIO . Nonmonotone adaptive trust region method based on simple conic model for unconstrained optimization[J]. Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 2014 , 9(5) : 1211 -1238 . DOI: 10.1007/s11464-014-0356-8
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