Nonmonotone adaptive trust region method based on simple conic model for unconstrained optimization
Lijuan ZHAO, Wenyu SUN, Raimundo J. B. de SAMPAIO
Nonmonotone adaptive trust region method based on simple conic model for unconstrained optimization
We propose a nonmonotone adaptive trust region method based on simple conic model for unconstrained optimization. Unlike traditional trust region methods, the subproblem in our method is a simple conic model, where the Hessian of the objective function is approximated by a scalar matrix. The trust region radius is adjusted with a new self-adaptive adjustment strategy which makes use of the information of the previous iteration and current iteration. The new method needs less memory and computational efforts. The global convergence and Q-superlinear convergence of the algorithm are established under the mild conditions. Numerical results on a series of standard test problems are reported to show that the new method is effective and attractive for large scale unconstrained optimization problems.
Nonmonotone technique / conic model / trust region method / large scale optimization / global convergence
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