Irreducible function bases of isotropic invariants of a third order three-dimensional symmetric and traceless tensor
Yannan CHEN, Shenglong HU, Liqun QI, Wennan ZOU
Irreducible function bases of isotropic invariants of a third order three-dimensional symmetric and traceless tensor
Third order three-dimensional symmetric and traceless tensors play an important role in physics and tensor representation theory. A minimal integrity basis of a third order three-dimensional symmetric and traceless tensor has four invariants with degrees two, four, six, and ten, respectively. In this paper, we show that any minimal integrity basis of a third order three-dimensional symmetric and traceless tensor is also an irreducible function basis of that tensor, and there is no syzygy relation among the four invariants of that basis, i.e., these four invariants are algebraically independent.
Minimal integrity basis / irreducible function basis / symmetric and traceless tensor / syzygy
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