Comparison theorems on Finsler manifolds with weighted Ricci curvature bounded below
Songting YIN
Comparison theorems on Finsler manifolds with weighted Ricci curvature bounded below
We obtain the Laplacian comparison theorem and the Bishop-Gromov comparison theorem on a Finsler manifold with the weighted Ricci curvature Ric∞ bounded below. As applications, we prove that if the weighted Ricci curvature Ric∞ is bounded below by a positive number, then the manifold must have finite fundamental group, and must be compact if the distortion is also bounded. Moreover, we give the Calabi-Yau linear volume growth theorem on a Finsler manifold with nonnegative weighted Ricci curvature.
Finsler manifold / distortion / S-curvature / weighted Ricci curvature / comparison theorem
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