Possibly non-unital operator system structures on a possibly non-unital function system
Jianze LI
Possibly non-unital operator system structures on a possibly non-unital function system
In this paper, we first give the definition of possibly non-unital function system, which is a characterization of the self-adjoint subspace of the space of continuous functions on a compact Hausdorff space with the induced order and norm structure. Similar to operator system case, we define the unitalization of a possibly non-unital function system. Then we construct two possibly non-unital operator system structures on a given possibly non-unital function system, which are the analogues of minimal and maximal operator spaces on a normed space. These two structures have many interesting relations with the minimal and maximal operator system structures on a given function system.
Possibly non-unital function system / operator system / possibly nonunital operator system
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