Economic analysis of a hybrid solar-fuel cell power delivery system using tuned genetic algorithm


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Front. Energy ›› DOI: 10.1007/s11708-012-0172-3

Economic analysis of a hybrid solar-fuel cell power delivery system using tuned genetic algorithm

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An economic evaluation of a network of distributed energy resources (DERs) comprising a microgrid structure of power delivery system in an Indian scenario has been made. The mathematical analysis is based on the application of tuned genetic algorithm (TGA). The analyses for optimal power operation pertaining to minimum cost have been made for two cases in Indian power delivery system. The first case deals with the consumers’ individual optimal operation of DERs, while in the second one, consumers altogether form a microgrid with the optimal supply of power from DERs. The total annual costs for these two cases are found to be economically competitive and encouraging. A reduction of approximately 5.7% in the annual cost has been obtained in the case of microgid system than that in the separately operating consumers’ system for a small locality of India. It is observed that the application of TGA results in a reduction of the minimum cost depicting an improved outcome in terms of energy economy.


distributed energy resources (DERs) / microgrid / tuned genetic algorithm (TGA)

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Trina SOM, Niladri CHAKRABORTY. Economic analysis of a hybrid solar-fuel cell power delivery system using tuned genetic algorithm. Front Energ,


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