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  • Research Articles
    Li Wencai
    Frontiers of History in China, 2023, 18(4): 421-442.

    The centralized system in ancient China originated from patriarchal cooperative agriculture in the pre-national era. The centralized system of government was established in the Xia, Shang, and Zhou “kingship power” era. In the “imperial power” era from the Qin Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, the authoritarian centralized system with imperial power as the core was increasingly strengthened. The evolution from “kingship power” to “imperial power” was an inevitable trend of China’s historical development, and the centralized power system had also been strengthened. As a dominant ideology, the thought of “Great Unity” provided a theoretical cornerstone for the centralized system in ancient China; the centralized system in ancient China provided the institutional guarantee for the official status of the idea of “Great Unity.” The system of centralization has been continuous in Chinese history, perfectly adaptable to Chinese traditional society, and interchangeable with the idea of “Great Unity,” providing an ideological basis and institutional guarantee for the formation, continuation, and development of a unified multi-ethnic country in China. The thought of “Great Unity” and centralization are the common values of the Chinese nation, which can provide useful reference for the current road of modernization.

    Huang Chengbing
    Frontiers of History in China, 2023, 18(3): 306-340.

    The title of jinshi (presented scholar) was normally conferred upon graduates of the metropolitan and palace examinations. Exceptions did exist, since some would be granted by the special grace of an emperor. This phenomenon began to appear in the late Tang Dynasty, but it was only an occasional measure, used by an emperor to exert the “imperial control over the power of election of civil officials” other than the keju (imperial examinations). Through the development during the period of the Five Dynasties and the early Song Dynasty, the attainment of the jinshi title by special grace gradually became institutionalized. At the same time, the ci jinshi (granting of jinshi by imperial grace) became normalized in the early Song Dynasty, namely, all those passing the jinshi examinations were granted as jinshi, and those passing other examinations of various subjects were also granted corresponding academic titles. This marks that all those who attained an academic title were produced under the “imperial control over the power of election of civil officials.” In the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties, the rulers took many measures to solve the problems of the imperial examination. However,it was not until the early Song Dynasty that such problems were solved to some extent when the imperial authority was enacted in the imperial examination system. At that time, with the presence of the normalized ci jinshi and the palace examination (the final imperial examination presided over by the emperor), the imperial authority and its control over the power of election of civil officials was represented by the jinshi scholars granted by special grace.

  • Book Excerpt
    Xu Xuemei
    Frontiers of History in China, 2023, 18(4): 541-543.

    Book Excerpt

    Jiang Bo
    Frontiers of History in China, 2023, 18(3): 291-305.

    “Incompetence” originally meant that one thing cannot withstand other things. During the Warring States period, the word gradually became a common term for describing officials who were unable to do their job properly. There are many records of “incompetent” officials in the bamboo and wooden slips and handed down documents of the Han Dynasty in the Juyan area, and the meanings of the word had been further expanded in the Han Dynasty to include not only insufficient personal ability, but also negligence, poor health, weak personality, and poor performance assessment results. In the Han Dynasty, the most common treatment of incompetent officials was dismissal. Depending on specific circumstances, their punishments included dismissal from one official position and reassignment to another or, in the most common case, dismissal from all official positions. In addition, their superiors or recommenders were also held accountable. As compared to other types of incompetent officials, the weak and those frontier incompetent ones were more severely punished. The refinement and differentiation in identifying and punishing “incompetent” officials in the Han Dynasty were the result of the development of the ancient bureaucratic system itself and also a reflection of the Han Dynasty’s expanding territory and increasing achievements.

    Wang Jinfeng
    Frontiers of History in China, 2023, 18(3): 271-290.

    Shusi Ding official system in the Shang Dynasty, Hougang in Anyang, circular pit, Shusi Ding, transfer of officialsShusi Ding unearthed in the circular pit of Hougang in Anyang, Henan Province, is an important ware of the late Shang Dynasty. Its owner is Shusi, whose name came from the combination of his official position title “Shu” and his clan name “Si.” In the inscriptions of Shusi Ding, the character regarded by most scholars as “zong,” is actually “zai.” It was a new position granted to Shusi by the king of the Shang Dynasty, and Shusi’s official position was changed from “shu” to “zai.” This phenomenon triggers our discussion on the transfer of officials in the Shang Dynasty. The officials of the Shang Dynasty were highly mobile in terms of taking office, promotion, demotion, dismissal, and position change. The flexible transfer of officials in the Shang Dynasty reminds us of the need to re-evaluate the development of the official system in the Shang Dynasty.

  • Research Articles
    Mao Yike
    Frontiers of History in China, 2023, 18(4): 496-533.

    In the local administrative procedures of the Ming Dynasty, very commonly submitted documents included those co-signed by a number of village leaders, local students, and gentry representatives. Such a way of document submission in the early and middle Ming Dynasty was known as the co-signed document submission, and then, as of the end of the Ming Dynasty, mostly, the public document submission. Starting from the middle Ming Dynasty, there were some document submissions signed as “whole school” or “whole county.” These submissions are not only an important means of reflecting the expectations of the local community to the government, but also an important basis for local officials to report on local affairs to the higher authorities. By the end of the Ming Dynasty, the status of the public document submission was increasingly prominent, and its application rules also tended to mature. For some local affairs, the public document submission of a specific group, as an evidence of the expectation of the local community, became the necessary documentary reference for the government’s decision-making.

  • Research Articles
    Liao Yin, Du Yangyang
    Frontiers of History in China, 2023, 18(4): 470-495.

    With the society moving from decentralization to a whole and the strengthening of centralization, the state gradually enhanced the involvement in rural community. At the same time, the management of people-land relationship tended to be refined. The original Xiang-Li system, which was suitable to decentralized community, was no longer needed by the state, and would be inevitably replaced by smaller rural organizations that were suitable to centralized community. In this context, the Du-Bao system emerged as the times required. During this process, the combination of the Bao-Jia system, territory division, and mapping technique played a key role in pushing forward the refinement management of people-land relationship. From the Xiang-Li system to the Du-Bao system, from rural officials to rural servants, when rural power was transferred to the government, more new rural authority systems that embodied the state will replaced the traditional rural authority system. There was a lack of obvious dominant class such as aristocratic families and gentry representatives in rural community in the Song Dynasty. Such a unique era provided an excellent opportunity for the state forces to go deep into and change rural community. For this reason, thestate authority upon rural areas in the Song Dynasty exceeded the Han and Tang dynasties, and even the subsequent Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties.

  • Bibliography
    Chen Xiaowei et al.
    Frontiers of History in China, 2023, 18(4): 539-540.


  • Book Description
    Zhou Wenjun
    Frontiers of History in China, 2023, 18(3): 420-420.

    Book Description

  • Research Articles
    Ding Mengyu
    Frontiers of History in China, 2023, 18(4): 443-469.

    This paper focuses on the iron smelting industry from the Han Dynasty to the Wei, Jin, and Southern and Northern dynasties, uses modern industrial theories to highlight the process of the development of the iron smelting industry, summarizes the characteristics of the transformation of production mode, and analyzes the impact of the transformation of production mode on the change of state governance. In ancient times, China’s iron smelting industry chose the technical path of pig iron smelting and casting. Based on the mature and developed pig iron smelting and casting technology, it shifted to a production mode based on steel forging from the late Eastern Han Dynasty to the Wei, Jin, and Southern and Northern dynasties. The transformation caused changes like decentralization and localization in state governance at three levels: central government policies, iron smelting production organization, and the behaviors of grassroots individuals and social communities.

    Li Bing
    Frontiers of History in China, 2023, 18(3): 341-364.

    The imperial examinations of the Liao, Jin, and Yuan, as ethnic minority regimes, were not perfect, compared with those in the Tang and Song dynasties. Scholars in these political systems did not enjoy high status. However, we cannot completely deny or ignore the historical position and influence of imperial examinations during the Liao, Jin, and Yuan periods. The rulers of the Liao, Jin, and Yuan dynasties not only extended the imperial examination system to the vast nomadic areas in the north, but also constantly innovated the system, combining it with the characteristics of ethnic minority regimes and the rulers’ demand. Thereby, the imperial examination system represented unique characteristics of ethnic minority groups, and also laid a foundation for the improvement of imperial examinations in the Ming and Qing dynasties. The imperial examination system is an important power that pushed the Liao, Jin, and Yuan dynasties to transform from soldier politics or military politics and aristocratic politics to civilian politics. Besides, it is an effective means to guide and urge scholars, including ethnic minority scholars, to learn Confucian classics, history, and literature. It played a key role in promoting the

  • Bibliography
    Chen Boyi et al.
    Frontiers of History in China, 2023, 18(3): 415-416.


  • Abstracts
    Bu Xianqun et al.
    Frontiers of History in China, 2023, 18(4): 534-538.


  • Abstracts
    Chang Yuenan et al.
    Frontiers of History in China, 2023, 18(3): 406-414.


  • Book Excerpt
    Zhou Wenjun
    Frontiers of History in China, 2023, 18(3): 417-420.

    Book Excerpt

    Xie Yang
    Frontiers of History in China, 2023, 18(3): 365-405.

    The recommendation approach to official selection was so popular in the early Ming Dynasty that it became an ancestral rule, which was given the legitimacy to be practiced throughout the Ming Dynasty. Since then, the drawbacks of recommendation had gradually emerged, but as one of the means of selecting talents, it was still parallel with the system of official selection and appointment administered by the Ministry of Personnel. In the middle Ming Dynasty, the power of recommendation was gradually transferred from the capital officials serving in central government agencies to the Ministry of Personnel, and it became gradually institutionalized to recommend and appoint the virtuous and capable from across the country. In the late Ming Dynasty, there were more and more cases of recommendation initiated by the local governments, which resulted from the top-down integration of local political and cultural resources by the imperial government through administrative means since the early Ming Dynasty. The change from the dominance of the imperial court to the initiative of local governments in the recommendation practice shows that the central government had gone through a process from administrative integration to political integration in integrating local resources. During this process, the imperial power, as the fundamental driving force to maintain the existence of the state and the operation of the government, as well as the cohesion of local governments, had always been the main force in achieving political integration.

  • Book Description
    Xu Xuemei
    Frontiers of History in China, 2023, 18(4): 544-544.

    Book Description

  • Research Articles
    CHENG Minsheng
    Frontiers of History in China, 2024, 19(1): 1-22.

    The practice of combining farming and reading has been followed in China since ancient times. Confucius and Mencius advocated for a separation between them, emphasizing that it was a noble person’s profession to study and serve as an official while it was a commoner’s profession to engage in farming. However, the practice had been adopted by common people, mostly by reclusive scholars and students. In the Song Dynasty (960–1279) which witnessed an economic and cultural boom, this practice became so common that the term “farming-reading” was coined. The most valuable implication of this term was the widespread reading fever among farmers, showing their genuine enthusiasm for education. For many farmers, literacy was a necessity of life, not necessarily for the imperial examination. This was something remarkable distinguishing Song from previous dynasties and a sign of the maturity of the farming-reading culture. Scholars viewed the farming reading practice as a source of joy in life, which contributed to the spread of the farming reading culture. Farming benefited scholars in fostering innovative thinking, acquiring new knowledge, and improving creative writing. More importantly, knowledge and intellectuals played a part in driving agricultural development. The most profound social impact was the promotion of literacy in rural households. The farming-reading culture became an integral part of Chinese culture, exerting a significant influence on people’s thinking and production activities in the dynasties following Song. It indeed enriched the traditional Chinese culture.

  • Research Articles
    XU Jijun
    Frontiers of History in China, 2024, 19(1): 23-38.

    Dress and adornment are essential parts of daily life. In the hierarchical society of ancient China, they served not only the basic functions of protecting and adorning the body but also of maintaining hierarchy and upholding authority. This was also the case during the Song Dynasty. The court upheld dress and adornment system and imposed legal standards on the dress and adornment of different social strata with great strictness, employing ritual law to ensure a clear “hierarchy of social rank and dress and adornment.” However, such a rigid and uncompromising system often clashed with private interests and property, leading to its ultimate disruption. Dress and adornment would gradually evolve to become an individual expression of one’s taste, wealth, social status, and values, slowly breaking through the class barriers separating the noble and humble, and permeating various social strata of the Song Dynasty.

  • Research Articles
    HUANG Chunyan
    Frontiers of History in China, 2024, 19(1): 66-82.

    During the Song Dynasty, the economy in the south experienced unprecedented development, with a significant population increase. Ships gradually shared a closer relationship with the livelihoods of the people. In inland rivers, lakes, and coastal areas, substantial groups of people “lived on ships,” relying almost entirely on ships for daily living. Many waterfront residents during the Song Dynasty took fishing as a crucial means of livelihood, with numerous individuals making a living from fisheries. Additionally, waterborne trade was an essential livelihood for many southern residents. In regions with long-term food shortages and during times of famine, rice boats were particularly vital for people to sustain themselves. Studying the relationship between ships, the most important transportation means of the time, and the livelihoods of southern inhabitants provides a crucial perspective for examining in what way and how an industry influences the socio economic landscape.

  • Research Articles
    CHENG Mingming
    Frontiers of History in China, 2024, 19(1): 83-99.

    The custom of gifting food before and on the day of festivals was widespread during the Song Dynasty. The practice included gifts received from official and monastic institutions as well as exchanges between commoners, literati, and scholar-officials. In a sense, the circulation of food embodied the community support spirit. The attention people paid to food during the Song Dynasty, the correlation between food and social status, and the emotional value of “sharing joy” in the flow of food form the social foundation of “community support.” Festival food serves the additional functions of seeking good luck and warding off evil, plays an important role in sacrifice and blessing ceremonies, and celebrates joyful reunions, all of the cultural psychology underpinning “community support.” From the perspective of the literati and scholar-officials, the exchange of festival food in the Song Dynasty reflects the traditional ideal of “cultivating oneself, regulating the family, governing the state, and bringing peace to the world.” The literary depictions of Song Dynasty festival food reflect a vibrant, mysterious, secular, and elegant Song culture that echoes the spiritual essence and aesthetic charm that says: “In the world, light and dust mingle, while in the heart, clear distinctions are made.”

  • Research Articles
    LIANG Jianguo
    Frontiers of History in China, 2024, 19(1): 39-65.

    Social interaction was an important activity for literati outside the imperial court. Dongjing (the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, present-day Kaifeng) played a pivotal role in the social interactions among literati of the Northern Song Dynasty. Literati frequently visited each other and held elegant gatherings at their residences or in gardens. The residences of Su Shi, Fan Zhen, Wang Gong, Wang Shen, Wang Yu, and Su Shi’s six disciples were located in different parts of Dongjing. Despite their differences in birthplace, family background, and career history, these literati in Dongjing developed a shared identity through their visits and elegant gatherings. Their relationships were maintained and strengthened in this way, leading to the formation of a loosely structured but relatively stable social circle. Together, they created a socio-cultural atmosphere with distinctive features of their time and region.