Frontiers of Earth Science ISSN 2095-0195 CN 11-5982/P Online Submission: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/fesci |
Content Online: https://www.springer.com/journal/11707
Call for Papers, Special Issue on |
Terrestrial Carbon Cycle Science and Management: New Frontiers of Research |
As the Earth’s climate undergoes global climate changes, understanding terrestrial carbon cycling has become increasingly vital. This special issue seeks to serve as a forum for discussing the latest advances in terrestrial carbon cycling research, particularly within the context of global climate change. We welcome submissions covering a variety of topics, including, but not limited to: 1) Innovative Approaches in Carbon Cycle Research: Exploring the application of artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data analysis and model-data fusion techniques in carbon cycle research under global climate change. 2) Modeling and Predictive Insights: Developing models and providing predictive insights into carbon and nutrient cycles in terrestrial ecosystems under global climate change. 3) Microbial Influence on Carbon and Nutrient Cycles: Investigating the role of soil microorganisms in carbon and nutrient cycles and their responses to global climate change. 4) Soil Carbon Dynamics: Analyzing the responses of diverse soil carbon reservoirs to global climate change, including responses from deep soil layers. 5) Ecosystem Multifunctionality and Biodiversity: Assessing the impact of ecosystem multifunctionality, vegetation dynamics, and plant biodiversity on the carbon cycle in response to changing climate conditions. 6) Integrative Ecological Processes: Linking aboveground and belowground ecological processes to enhance our understanding of the soil carbon cycle under global climate change. |
Guest Editors: Prof. Ji Chen Institute of Earth Environment Chinese Academy of Sciences Email: chenji@ieecas.cn Prof. Yuanyuan Huang Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research Chinese Academy of Sciences Email: huangyy@igsnrr.ac.cn Prof. Xia Xu State Key Laboratory of Subtropical Silviculture Zhejiang A&F University Email: xuxia.1982@outlook.com Important Dates Submission Deadline: December 31, 2024 Expected Publication: July 2025 Submission Guidelines To submit to the special issue, please visit https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/fesci and select the “Type” as “Special Issue: Terrestrial Carbon Cycle Science and Management: New Frontiers of Research” while submitting your manuscript. Please visit https://www.springer.com/journal/11707/submission-guidelines for submission guidelines. Contacts If you have any questions regarding submission, please feel free to contact the Editorial Office of Frontiers of Earth Science via: fesci@re.ecnu.edu.cn. |