Understanding and improving Yangtze River Basin summer precipitation prediction using an optimal multi-Physics ensemble
Yang ZHAO, Fengxue QIAO, Xin-Zhong LIANG, Jinhua YU
Understanding and improving Yangtze River Basin summer precipitation prediction using an optimal multi-Physics ensemble
This study employs the regional Climate-Weather Research and Forecasting model (CWRF) to first investigate the primary physical mechanisms causing biases in simulating summer precipitation over the Yangtze River Basin (YRB), and then enhance its predictive ability through an optimal multi-physics ensemble approach. The CWRF 30-km simulations in China are compared among 28 combinations of varying physics parameterizations during 1980−2015. Long-term average summer biases in YRB precipitation are remotely correlated with those of large-scale circulations. These teleconnections of biases are highly consistent with the observed correlation patterns between interannual variations of precipitation and circulations, despite minor shifts in their primary action centers. Increased YRB precipitation aligns with a southward shifted East Asian westerly jet, an intensified low-level southerly flow south of YRB, and a south-eastward shifted South Asian high, alongside higher moisture availability over YRB. Conversely, decreased YRB precipitation corresponds to an opposite circulation pattern. The CWRF control configuration using the ensemble cumulus parameterization (ECP), compared to other cumulus schemes, best captures the observed YRB precipitation characteristics and associated circulation patterns. Coupling ECP with the Morrison or Morrison-aerosol microphysics and the CCCMA or CAML radiation schemes enhances the overall CWRF skills. Compared to the control CWRF, the ensemble average of these skill-enhanced physics configurations more accurately reproduces YRB summer precipitation’s spatial distributions, interannual anomalies, and associated circulation patterns. The Bayesian Joint Probability calibration to these configurations improves the ensemble’s spatial distributions but compromises its interannual anomalies and teleconnection patterns. Our findings highlight substantial potential for refining the representation of climate system physics to improve YRB precipitation prediction. This is notably achieved by realistically coupling cumulus, microphysics, and radiation processes to accurately capture circulation teleconnections. Further enhancements can be achieved by optimizing the multi-physics ensemble among skill-enhanced configurations.
physics parameterization / regional climate model / downscaling skill enhancement / multi-physics ensemble / teleconnection / bias reduction
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