Controls on the hydrogen isotope composition in the pore water from the Dajiuhu Peatland, central China
Yuhang WANG, Xianyu HUANG
Controls on the hydrogen isotope composition in the pore water from the Dajiuhu Peatland, central China
The hydrogen isotope composition of leaf wax n-alkanes (δ2Halk) has been used to reconstruct hydroclimate conditions, yet the factors that influence it are not fully understood, particularly the control of soil pore water δ2H. This study monitored the temporal and vertical variations of peat pore water δ2H (δ2Hpw) from 2015 to 2019 in the Dajiuhu peatland, central China. Results showed that δ2Hpw was highly variable in the surface layers (0−10 cm; avg. −47‰, 1σ = 11‰) and remained almost constant in deeper depths (below 50 cm; avg. −56‰, 1σ = 2‰). The δ2Hpw of the 0−10 cm layer was strongly correlated with the preceding month’s precipitation δ2H (δ2Hp) in the adjacent area (r = 0.7, p < 0.01), indicating that δ2Hp is the main factor affecting the temporal variations of δ2Hpw in the upper layers. Moreover, the surface (0−10 cm) peat pore water slightly deviated from the local meteoric water line, suggesting that evaporation may also have an effect on the δ2Hpw. These findings emphasize the importance of precipitation isotope composition in interpreting the δ2Halk in peat deposits under subtropical climates.
pore water / hydrogen isotope composition / spatiotemporal variability / soil evaporation / leaf wax n-alkane / peat deposit
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