Impacts of cloud radiative processes on the convective and stratiform rainfall associated with Typhoon Fitow (2013)

Huiyan XU, Dengrong ZHANG

Front. Earth Sci. ›› 2022, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (4) : 1052-1060.

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Front. Earth Sci. ›› 2022, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (4) : 1052-1060. DOI: 10.1007/s11707-022-0982-5

Impacts of cloud radiative processes on the convective and stratiform rainfall associated with Typhoon Fitow (2013)

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The three-dimensional Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model was used to conduct sensitivity experiments during the landfall of Typhoon Fitow (2013) to examine the impacts of cloud radiative processes on thermal balance. The vertical profiles of heat budgets, vertical velocity, and stability were analyzed to examine the physical processes responsible for cloud radiative effects on surface rainfall for Typhoon Fitow (2013). The inclusion of clouds reduced radiative cooling in ice and liquid cloud layers by reducing outgoing radiation. The suppressed radiative cooling reduced from the ice cloud layers to liquid cloud layers. This was conducive to reducing instability. The decreased instability was associated with the reduced upward motions. The reduced upward motion led to a decreased vertical mass convergence. Consequently, heat divergence was weakened to warm the atmosphere. Together with suppressed radiative cooling, these effects jointly suppressed net condensation and rainfall. Furthermore, the reduced rainfall due to the cloud radiative effects were mainly associated with the reduced convective and stratiform rainfall. The reduced convective rainfall was associated with the reduced net condensation, while the reduced stratiform rainfall was related to the constraint of hydrometeor convergence.


heat budget / radiative cooling / heat divergence / latent heat release / typhoon

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Huiyan XU, Dengrong ZHANG. Impacts of cloud radiative processes on the convective and stratiform rainfall associated with Typhoon Fitow (2013). Front. Earth Sci., 2022, 16(4): 1052‒1060


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We thank the three anonymous reviewers for their suggestive comments, which greatly help us improve the quality of the manuscript. The best track data may be obtained from WZTF121 website. The NCEP FNL data with 1° × 1° horizontal resolution was obtained from the NCAR UCAR Research Data Archive Computational and Information System Laboratory (available at NCAR UCAR website). All data are archived at the Training Center of Atmospheric Sciences of Zhejiang University and are also available from the authors via The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance of the Training Center of Atmospheric Sciences of Zhejiang University. This work was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province of China (No. LQ20D050001), and National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 42105004), and the Scientific Research Foundation of Hangzhou Normal University (No. 2020QDL015).


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