Cenozoic potassic volcanic rocks from the Keluo and Wudalianchi volcanic districts, northeast China: origin from the new sub-continental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) metasomatized by potassium-rich fluids from delaminated lower crust
Fanchao MENG, Yulu TIAN, Yaoqi ZHOU, Jiaqi LIU, Gengchao ZUO, Qing DU
Front. Earth Sci. ›› 2022, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (4) : 989-1004.
Cenozoic potassic volcanic rocks from the Keluo and Wudalianchi volcanic districts, northeast China: origin from the new sub-continental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) metasomatized by potassium-rich fluids from delaminated lower crust
A series of Cenozoic potassium-rich volcanic rocks developed in the Xiaoguli-Keluo-Wudalianchi-Erkeshan districts, northeast China. The source region and potassium-rich mechanism of the potassic rocks remain highly disputed. In this paper, the major elements, trace elements, and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes of the volcanic rocks in Keluo (KL) and Wudalianchi (WDLC) volcanic districts were analyzed systematically. The results show that the volcanic rocks are characterized by high K2O (4.36wt.%−6.13wt.%), remarkable enrichment in LREEs and LILEs, as well as the strong fractionation of HREEs. The isotopic characteristics with high 87Sr/86Sr (0.704990–0.705272), low 143Nd/144Nd (0.512306–0.512417), low 206Pb/204Pb (16.546–17.135) and 207Pb/204Pb (15.002–15.783) of the volcanic rocks suggest the involvement of EM-I-type mantle. On the basis of the geochemical characteristics, the potassium-rich volcanic magma originated from the new SCLM forming after delamination of the ancient SCLM, with metasomatism of the potassium-rich fluids released from the ancient lower crust during the Late Mesozoic. The proposed genetic model assumes the source which represented by a phlogopite-bearing garnet peridotite (with modal garnet in the range of 2%–10%) experienced very low degrees (i.e., ~0.5) of partial melting. During Cenozoic, the lithosphere in northeast China was affected by the extension and decompression of continental rift, and the metasomatized SCLM underwent low degree partial melting, resulting in the formation of potassium-rich primitive basaltic magma.
northeast China / Keluo-Wudalianchi volcanic districts / Cenozoic potassic volcanic rocks / petrogenesis / sub-continental lithospheric mantle
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