Characteristics and geochemical implications of light hydrocarbons from ultra-deep Ordovician oils in the North Shuntuoguole area, Tarim Basin
Li DONG, Anlai MA, Huixi LIN, Lu YUN, Weilong PENG, Xiuxiang ZHU, Xian WU
Front. Earth Sci. ›› 2022, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (3) : 623-634.
Characteristics and geochemical implications of light hydrocarbons from ultra-deep Ordovician oils in the North Shuntuoguole area, Tarim Basin
The ultra-deep Ordovician reservoirs in the North Shuntuoguole Oilfield (or Shunbei Oilfield) of SINOPEC have achieved annual production of one million ton, and the oil & gas in different faults show different physical properties and fluid phases. In this study, the 28 oil samples from the ultra-deep Ordovician were analyzed using whole oil chromatography. The heptane and isoheptane values of the oil samples were in the range of 29.79%‒46.86% and 1.01%–3.06%, respectively, indicating the oils are high mature. The maturity that calculated based on light hydrocarbon values was higher than which calculated by using aromatic hydrocarbon parameters, suggesting the light hydrocarbon maturity mostly reflects the maturity of the late charged hydrocarbon. The 2M-/3M-C 5 and 2M-/3M-C6 ratios varied in the ranges of 1.41‒1.81 and 0.79–1.09, respectively, and the iC5/nC5 and 3M-C5/nC6 ratios were 0.31‒0.90 and 0.16–0.37, respectively, indicating that ultra-deep Ordovician reservoirs have not experienced biodegradation. The Mango parameter K1 of the oil samples ranges 0.96‒1.01 except for the oil from Well SB4, which suggests that most of the reservoirs have not suffered thermochemical sulfur reduction (TSR). Meanwhile, the oils have not experienced evaporative fractionation since the toluene/nC7 and nC7/MCC6 ratios range from 0.10–0.38 and 1.50‒1.80, respectively. The close correlation between P3 and P2 + N2 and between P2 and N2/P3 indicates that the oils from different faults have the same origin. According to the characteristics of LHs rich in n-alkane, as well as other biomarkers, such as aryl isoprenoids, and aromatic hydrocarbon parameters, the oil originated from the source rock of the Lower Cambrian Yu’ertusi Formation. Meanwhile, the source rocks in different fault zones slightly differed in organic facies.
light hydrocarbons / biodegradation / thermochemical sulfate reduction (TSR) / evaporative fractionation / ultra-deep Ordovician reservoir / Tarim Basin
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