Vegetation dynamics in response to human and climatic factors in the Tanzanian Coast
Herrieth MACHIWA, Bo TIAN, Dhritiraj SENGUPTA, Qian CHEN, Michael MEADOWS, Yunxuan ZHOU
Front. Earth Sci. ›› 2021, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (3) : 595-605.
Vegetation dynamics in response to human and climatic factors in the Tanzanian Coast
This study of vegetation dynamics in the coastal region of Tanzania provides a fundamental basis to better understand the nature of the factors that underlie observed changes. The Tanzanian coast, rich in biodiversity, is economically and environmentally important although the understanding of the nature and causes of vegetation change is very limited. This paper presents an investigation of the relationship between vegetation dynamics in response to climate variations and human activities using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), meteorological, and Globeland30 Landsat data sets. Spatio-temporal trends and the relationship of NDVI to selected meteorological variables were statistically analyzed for the period 2000–2018 using the Mann-Kendall test and Pearson correlation respectively. The results reveal a significant positive trend in temperature (β>0, Z = 2.87) and a non-significant trend in precipitation (|Z|<1.96). A positive relationship between NDVI and precipitation is observed. Coastal Tanzania has therefore experienced increased temperatures and variable moisture conditions which threaten natural vegetation and ecosystems at large. Classified land cover maps obtained from GlobeLand30 were analyzed to identify the nature and scale of human impact on the land. The analysis of land use and land cover in the region reveals an increase in cultivated land, shrubland, grassland, built-up land and bare land, while forests, wetland and water all decreased between 2000 and 2020. The decrease in forest vegetation is attributable to the fact that most livelihoods in the region are dependent on agriculture and harvesting of forest products (firewood, timber, charcoal). The findings of this study highlight the need for appropriate land-use planning and sustainable utilization of forest resources.
remote sensing / NDVI / climate variations / spatio-temporal changes / LULCC / coastal Tanzania
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