The scattering mechanism of squall lines with C-Band dual polarization radar. Part II: the mechanism of an abnormal ZDR echo in clear air based on the parameterization of turbulence deformation
Jiashan ZHU, Ming WEI, Sinan GAO, Chunsong LU
Front. Earth Sci. ›› 2022, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (2) : 236-247.
The scattering mechanism of squall lines with C-Band dual polarization radar. Part II: the mechanism of an abnormal ZDR echo in clear air based on the parameterization of turbulence deformation
In part I, the clear air echo in front of the squall line is caused by turbulence diffraction, which makes the ZDR echo characteristics different from particle scattering. To study the turbulence deformation phenomenon that is affected by environmental wind, the turbulence-related method is used to analyze the characteristics of three-dimensional turbulence energy spectrum density, and the parametric model of turbulence integral length scale and environmental wind speed is established. The results show that the horizontal scale of turbulence is generally larger than the vertical scale. The turbulence is nearly isotropic in the horizontal direction, presenting a flat ellipsoid with the vertical orientation of the rotation axis when there is no horizontal wind or the horizontal velocity is small. When horizontal wind exists, the turbulence scale increases along the dominant wind direction. The turbulence scale is positively correlated with the wind speed. The power function is used to fit the relationships of turbulence integral length scale and horizontal wind speed, which obtains the best fitting effect, and the goodness of fit (GF) is above 0.99 in each direction. The deforming turbulence can cause 8–9 dB ZDR anomalies in the echo of dual polarization radar, which the ratio of scales in the dominant wind and the vertical direction of deforming turbulence (Lu/Lw) is around 4.3. The variation in ZDR depends on the turbulence shape, orientation and the relative position between turbulence and radar. The shape of turbulence derived from radar detection results is consistent with that of the parametric model, which can provide a parametric scheme for turbulence research. The results reveal the mechanism of abnormal ZDR echo caused by deforming turbulence.
dual polarization radar / clear air echo / Bragg diffraction / deforming turbulence / parameterization
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