Chemical geothermometry: application to mud volcanic waters of the Caucasus region
Front. Earth Sci. ›› 2020, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (4) : 738-757.
Chemical geothermometry: application to mud volcanic waters of the Caucasus region
The generation temperatures of gas-water fluids released from mud volcanoes in different provinces of the Caucasian region have been constrained using Mg/Li (ТMg/Li) chemical geothermometry. Mud volcanic fluids in the Taman Peninsula (Kerch-Taman mud volcanic province) were generated at temperatures (ТMg/Li) from 41 to 137°С. The depths of the respective mud reservoirs estimated from ТMg/Li values and local geothermal gradient are in a range of 1.0 to 3.4 km which spans the Maykop Formation of marine shale. For the South Caspian province, the ТMg/Li values of waters vary from 18 to 137°C and the respective root depths НMg/Li of mud volcanoes range from ~ 0.85 to 6.5 km. The obtained TMg/Li values for the analyzed mud volcanic waters from Caucasian provinces are in positive correlation with НСО3− contents and water oxygen isotope compositions (
mud volcano / fluid / chemical geothermometry / stable isotopes / Caucasus region
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