A simplified index to assess the combined impact of tropical cyclone precipitation and wind on China

Peiyan CHEN, Hui YU, Ming XU, Xiaotu LEI, Feng ZENG

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Front. Earth Sci. ›› 2019, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (4) : 672-681. DOI: 10.1007/s11707-019-0793-5

A simplified index to assess the combined impact of tropical cyclone precipitation and wind on China

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Relationships between tropical cyclone (TC) precipitation, wind, and storm damage are analyzed for China based on TCs over the period from 1984 to 2013. The analysis shows that the maximum daily areal precipitation from stations with daily precipitation of ≥50 mm and the sum of wind gusts of ≥13.9 m/s can be used to estimate the main damage caused by TCs, and an index combining the precipitation and wind gust of a TC (IPWT) is defined to assess the severity of the combined impact of precipitation and wind. The correlation coefficient between IPWT and the damage index for affecting TCs is 0.80, which is higher than that for only precipitation or wind. All TCs with precipitation and wind affecting China are divided into five categories, Category 0 to Category 4, based on IPWT, where higher categories refer to higher combined impacts of precipitation and wind. The combined impact category is closely related to damage category and it can be used to estimate the potential damage category in operational work. There are 87.7%, 72.9%, 69.8%, and 73.4% of cases that have the same or one category difference between damage category and combined impact category for Categories 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. IPWT and its classification can be used to assess the severity of the TC impact and of combined precipitation and wind conveniently and accurately, and the potential damage caused by TCs. The result will be a good supplementary data for TC intensity, precipitation, wind, and damage. In addition, IPWT can be used as an index to judge the reliability of damage data. Further analysis of the annual frequency of combined precipitation-wind impact categories reveals no significant increasing or decreasing trend in impact over China over the past 30 years.


tropical cyclone / impact / precipitation / wind

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Peiyan CHEN, Hui YU, Ming XU, Xiaotu LEI, Feng ZENG. A simplified index to assess the combined impact of tropical cyclone precipitation and wind on China. Front. Earth Sci., 2019, 13(4): 672‒681 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11707-019-0793-5


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This study was sponsored by the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2015CB452806), the National Natural Science Foundations of China (Grant Nos. 41475082 and 41875114), Shanghai Science & Technology Research Program (Grant No. 19dz1200101), and the Fundamental Research Funds of the STI/CMA (Grant No. 2019JB06).


2019 Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature
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