Combined gully profiles for expressing surface morphology and evolution of gully landforms
Jingwei LI, Liyang XIONG, Guo’an TANG
Front. Earth Sci. ›› 2019, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (3) : 551-562.
Combined gully profiles for expressing surface morphology and evolution of gully landforms
The expression of gully landforms can be regarded as an indicator of the evolutionary process of gullies. Most existing studies on the expression of gully landforms focus on plane characteristics. However, the vertical characteristics of a gully should be given considerable attention because gullies have mainly eroded the surface in the vertical direction. Current studies on vertical characteristics of gullies mainly focused on a single gully or rarely a few gullies, thereby failing to express the entire gully landform in a certain area. In this study, gully profile combination (GPC) was proposed to investigate the morphology and reveal the evolution of gully landforms. It was defined as the combination of vertical projection of all gully profiles in the entire drainage basin. Then, a gully evolution index and its statistic values were used to reveal the evolution of gully landforms based on GPC. The proposed method was applied and validated in three typical loess gully landform areas (i.e., loess tableland, ridge, and hill) in the Loess Plateau of China. Results show that GPC can effectively express gully landforms. The specific geomorphological feature (monoclinic loess tableland) can also be identified using GPC. The gully evolution index results also demonstrate different magnitudes of gully evolutionary stages in a certain area, which reflect the diversity of gullies. The average and median values of the gully evolution index increase in the three typical loess gully landforms. From loess tableland, loess ridge, and loess hill, the average values are 0.653, 0.703, and 0.763, and the median values are 0.661, 0.719, and 0.783, respectively. This method is also found to be stable with gully extraction thresholds for distinguishing different loess gully landforms. Accordingly, the evolution magnitudes of loess gully are obtained.
gully profile combination / gully evolution / gully morphology / loess landform
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