Landform classification based on optimal texture feature extraction from DEM data in Shandong Hilly Area, China
Hongchun ZHU, Yuexue XU, Yu CHENG, Haiying LIU, Yipeng ZHAO
Landform classification based on optimal texture feature extraction from DEM data in Shandong Hilly Area, China
Texture and its analysis methods are crucial for image feature extraction and classification. Digital elevation model (DEM) is the most important data source of digital terrain analysis and landform classification, and considerable research values are gained from texture feature extraction and analysis from DEM data. In this research, on the basis of optimal texture feature extraction, the hilly area in Shandong, China, was selected as the study area, and DEM data with a resolution of 500 m were used as the experimental data for landform classification. First, second-order texture measures and texture image were extracted from DEM data by using a gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM). Second, the variation characteristics of each texture measure were analyzed, and the optimal feature parameters, such as direction, gray level, and texture window, were determined. Meanwhile, the texture feature value, combined with maximum information, was calculated, and the multiband texture image was obtained by resolving three optimal texture measure images. Finally, a support vector machine (SVM) method was adopted to classify landforms on the basis of the multiband texture image. Results indicated that the texture features of DEM data can be sufficiently represented and measured via the quantitative GLCM method. However, the feature parameters during the texture feature value calculation required further optimization. Based on the image texture from DEM data, efficient classification accuracy and ideal classification effect were achieved.
DEM data / image texture / feature extraction / Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) / optimal parametric analysis / landform classification
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