Distribution of snow depth variability


Front. Earth Sci. ›› 2018, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (4) : 683-692.

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Front. Earth Sci. ›› 2018, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (4) : 683-692. DOI: 10.1007/s11707-018-0714-z

Distribution of snow depth variability

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Snow depth is the easiest snowpack property to measure in the field and is used to estimate the distribution of snow for quantifying snow storage. Often the mean of three snow depth measurements is used to represent snow depth at a location. This location is used as a proxy for an area, typically a digital elevation model (DEM) or remotely sensed pixel. Here, 11, 17, or 21 snow depth measurements were used to represent the mean snow depth of a 30-m DEM pixel. Using the center snow depth measurement for each sampling set was not adequate to represent the pixel mean, and while the use of three snow depth measurements improved the estimate of mean, there is still large error for some pixels. These measurements were then used to determine the variability of snow depth across a pixel. Estimating variability from few points rather than all in a measurement was not sufficient. The sampling size was increased from one to the total per pixel (11, 17, or 21) to determine how many point samples were necessary to approximate the mean snow depth per pixel within five percent. Binary regression trees were constructed to determine which terrain and canopy variables dictated the spatial distribution of the snow depth, the standard deviation of snow depth, and the sample size to within 5% of the mean per pixel. One location was measured in two years just prior to peak accumulation, and it is shown that there was little to no inter-annual consistency in the mean or standard deviation.


uncertainty / sampling / binary regression trees / snow telemetry

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S.R. FASSNACHT, K.S.J. BROWN, E.J. BLUMBERG, J.I. LÓPEZ MORENO, T.P. COVINO, M. KAPPAS, Y. HUANG, V. LEONE, A.H. KASHIPAZHA. Distribution of snow depth variability. Front. Earth Sci., 2018, 12(4): 683‒692 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11707-018-0714-z


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Funding was provided by a grant from the Colorado Water Conservancy Board award POGG1 PDAA 201800000044 (Automated Non-Telemetered Snow Depth Monitoring for Water Supply Forecasting by Improved Basin-wide Snowpack Water Storage Estimation; PI Fassnacht), NOAA award NA07NWS4620016 (PI N.P. Molotch), and NASA Terrestrial Hydrology Program award NNX11AQ66G (PI M.F. Jasinski). The field surveys were undertaken by Colorado State University student volunteers, including those enrolled in the WR575 (Snow Hydrology Field Methods) class in March 2009. Thanks are due to all those who helped in the field and those who digitized the data. One reviewer made useful comments that helped restructure this paper.


2018 Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature
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