Applied statistical functions and multivariate analysis of geochemical compositional data to evaluate mineralization in Glojeh polymetallic deposit, NW Iran
Front. Earth Sci. ›› 2019, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (1) : 229-246.
Applied statistical functions and multivariate analysis of geochemical compositional data to evaluate mineralization in Glojeh polymetallic deposit, NW Iran
Various genesis of epithermal veins as well as host rock cause complication in the modeling process. Thus LINEST and controlling function were applied to improve the accuracy and the quality of the model. The LINEST is a model which is based on multiple linear regression and refers to a branch of applied statistics. This method concerns directly to the application of t-test (TINV and TDIST to analyses of variables in the model) and F-test (FDIST, F-statistic to compare different models) analysis. Backward elimination technique is applied to reduce the number of variables in the model through all the borehole data. After 18 steps, an optimized reduced model (ORM) was constructed and ranked in order of importance as Pb>Ag>P>Hg>Mn>Nb>U>Sr>Sn>As>Cu, with the lowest confidence level (CL) of 92% for Cu. According to the epigenetic vein genesis of Glojeh polymetallic deposit, determination of spatial patterns and elemental associations accompanied by anomaly separation were conducted by K-means cluster and robust factor analysis method based on centered log-ratio (clr) transformed data. Therefore, 12 samples (cluster 2) with the maximum distance from centroid, indicates the intensity of vein polymetallic mineralization in the deposit. In addition, an ORM for vein population was extracted for Sb>Al>As>Mg>Pb>Cu>Ag elements with the R2 up to 0.99. On the other hand, after 23 steps of optimization process at the host rock population, an ORM was conducted by Ag>Te>Hg>Pb>Mg>Al>Sb>As represented in descending order of t-values. It revealed that Te and Hg can be considered as pathfinder elements for Au at the host rock. Based on the ORMs at each population Ag, Pb, and As were often associated with Au mineralization. The concentration ratio of as an enrichment index can intensify the mineralization detection. Finally, Glojeh deposit was evaluated to be classified as a vein-style Au (Ag, Pb, As)-polymetallic mineralization.
LINEST and controlling function / optimized reduced model / log-ratio (clr) transformation / K-means cluster / robust factor analysis / pathfinder elements / vein-style Glojeh polymetallic mineralization
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