Application of cluster analysis to geochemical compositional data for identifying ore-related geochemical anomalies

Shuguang ZHOU, Kefa ZHOU, Jinlin WANG, Genfang YANG, Shanshan WANG

Front. Earth Sci. ›› 2018, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (3) : 491-505.

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Front. Earth Sci. ›› 2018, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (3) : 491-505. DOI: 10.1007/s11707-017-0682-8

Application of cluster analysis to geochemical compositional data for identifying ore-related geochemical anomalies

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Cluster analysis is a well-known technique that is used to analyze various types of data. In this study, cluster analysis is applied to geochemical data that describe 1444 stream sediment samples collected in northwestern Xinjiang with a sample spacing of approximately 2 km. Three algorithms (the hierarchical, k-means, and fuzzy c-means algorithms) and six data transformation methods (the z-score standardization, ZST; the logarithmic transformation, LT; the additive log-ratio transformation, ALT; the centered log-ratio transformation, CLT; the isometric log-ratio transformation, ILT; and no transformation, NT) are compared in terms of their effects on the cluster analysis of the geochemical compositional data. The study shows that, on the one hand, the ZST does not affect the results of column- or variable-based (R-type) cluster analysis, whereas the other methods, including the LT, the ALT, and the CLT, have substantial effects on the results. On the other hand, the results of the row- or observation-based (Q-type) cluster analysis obtained from the geochemical data after applying NT and the ZST are relatively poor. However, we derive some improved results from the geochemical data after applying the CLT, the ILT, the LT, and the ALT. Moreover, the k-means and fuzzy c-means clustering algorithms are more reliable than the hierarchical algorithm when they are used to cluster the geochemical data. We apply cluster analysis to the geochemical data to explore for Au deposits within the study area, and we obtain a good correlation between the results retrieved by combining the CLT or the ILT with the k-means or fuzzy c-means algorithms and the potential zones of Au mineralization. Therefore, we suggest that the combination of the CLT or the ILT with the k-means or fuzzy c-means algorithms is an effective tool to identify potential zones of mineralization from geochemical data.


cluster analysis / compositional data / geochemical anomaly / mineral exploration

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Shuguang ZHOU, Kefa ZHOU, Jinlin WANG, Genfang YANG, Shanshan WANG. Application of cluster analysis to geochemical compositional data for identifying ore-related geochemical anomalies. Front. Earth Sci., 2018, 12(3): 491‒505


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The authors thank Ratheesh Kumar R.T, Rustam Orozbaev for their assistance to revise the language before we submit the manuscript and the authors are grateful for the anonymous reviewers’ constructive comments and suggestions. This study was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. U1503291 and 41402296), and a Major Project in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (201330121-3).


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