Green stormwater infrastructure eco-planning and development on the regional scale: a case study of Shanghai Lingang New City, East China

Haishun XU, Liang CHEN, Bing ZHAO, Qiuzhuo ZHANG, Yongli CAI

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Front. Earth Sci. ›› 2016, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (2) : 366-377. DOI: 10.1007/s11707-015-0516-5

Green stormwater infrastructure eco-planning and development on the regional scale: a case study of Shanghai Lingang New City, East China

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Urban underlying surface has been greatly changed with rapid urbanization, considered to be one of the major causes for the destruction of urban natural hydrological processes. This has imposed a huge challenge for stormwater management in cities. There has been a shift from gray water management to green stormwater management thinking. The green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) is regarded as an effective and cost-efficient stormwater management eco-landscape approach. China’s GSI practice and the development of its theoretical framework are still in the initial stage. This paper presents an innovative framework for stormwater management, integrating green stormwater infrastructure and landscape security patterns on a regional scale based on an urban master plan. The core concept of green stormwater infrastructure eco-planning is to form an interconnected GSI network (i.e., stormwater management landscape security pattern) which consists of the location, portion, size, layout, and structure of GSI so as to efficiently safeguard natural hydrological processes. Shanghai Lingang New City, a satellite new town of Shanghai, China was selected as a case study for GSI studies. Simulation analyses of hydrological processes were carried out to identify the critical significant landscape nodes in the high-priority watersheds for stormwater management. GSI should be planned and implemented in these identified landscape nodes. The comprehensive stormwater management landscape security pattern of Shanghai Lingang New City is designed with consideration of flood control, stormwater control, runoff reduction, water quality protection, and rainwater utilization objectives which could provide guidelines for smart growth and sustainable development of this city.


stormwater management / green stormwater infrastructure / urban master plan / landscape security pattern / Shanghai Lingang New City

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Haishun XU, Liang CHEN, Bing ZHAO, Qiuzhuo ZHANG, Yongli CAI. Green stormwater infrastructure eco-planning and development on the regional scale: a case study of Shanghai Lingang New City, East China. Front. Earth Sci., 2016, 10(2): 366‒377


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This research is financially supported by grants from Ministry of Education of People’s Republic of China (No. 20120076120019), Shanghai Science and Technology Committee (No. 12ZR1409100 and 12231205300) and Shanghai Key Lab for Urban Ecological Processes and Eco-Restoration. The authors would like to thank MEPRC, STCSMSTC and SHUES for funding this work. The authors are thankful to Dr. Varenyam Achal for improving the language of manuscript.


2015 Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
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