Eco-environmental vulnerability assessment for large drinking water resource: a case study of Qiandao Lake Area,China
Qing GU, Jun LI, Jinsong DENG, Yi LIN, Ligang MA, Chaofan WU, Ke WANG, Yang HONG
Front. Earth Sci. ›› 2015, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (3) : 578-589.
Eco-environmental vulnerability assessment for large drinking water resource: a case study of Qiandao Lake Area,China
The Qiandao Lake Area (QLA) is of great significance in terms of drinking water supply in East Coast China as well as a nationally renowned tourist attraction. A series of laws and regulations regarding the QLA environment have been enacted and implemented throughout the past decade with the aim of negating the harmful effects associated with expanding urbanization and industrialization. In this research, an assessment framework was developed to analyze the eco-environmental vulnerability of the QLA from 1990–2010 by integrating fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) and geographical information systems (GIS) in an attempt to gain insights into the status quo of the QLA so as to review and evaluate the effectiveness of the related policies. After processing and analyzing the temporal and spatial variation of eco-environmental vulnerability and major environmental issues in the QLA, we found that the state of eco-environmental vulnerability of the QLA was acceptable, though a moderate deterioration was detected during the study period. Furthermore, analysis of the combination of vulnerability and water quality indicated that the water quality showed signs of declination, though the overall status remained satisfactory. It was hence concluded that the collective protection and treatment actions were effective over the study period, whereas immediately stricter measures would be required for protecting the drinking water quality from domestic sewage and industrial wastewater. Finally, the spatial variation of the eco-environmental vulnerability assessment also implied that specifically more targeted measures should be adopted in respective regions for long-term sustainable development of the QLA.
eco-environment / vulnerability assessment / drinking water source / fuzzy AHP / GIS / Qiandao Lake Area
Qing Gu obtained his Bachelor’s degree in 2009 from Nanjing Agricultural University, China and is a Ph.D student in the Institution of Remote Sensing and Information System Application at Zhejiang University, China. His research area includes: remote sensing applications in ecology and water resources assessment. E-mail: funny@zju.edu.cn
Jun Li is an Assistant Professor in Institution of Remote Sensing and Information System Application at Zhejiang University, China, and research staff in the School of Civil Engineering & Environmental Sciences and the School of Meteorology at the University of Oklahoma. He obtained her master degree in 2006 from College of Environmental & Resource Sciences of Zhejiang University, China. Her primary area of research is eco-environmental evaluation and management. E-mail: lijun_more@zju.edu.cn
Jinsong Deng is an Associate Professor in Institution of Remote Sensing and Information System Application at Zhejiang University, China, and research staff in the School of Civil Engineering & Environmental Sciences and the School of Meteorology at the University of Oklahoma. He obtained his Ph.D in 2006 from College of Environmental & Resource Sciences of Zhejiang University, China. His primary area of research is application of remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS). E-mail: jsong_deng@zju.edu.cn
Yi Lin obtained her Bachelor’s degree in 2012 from Zhejiang University, China and is a graduate student in Institution of Remote Sensing and Information System Application at Zhejiang University, China. Her research fields focus on ecological evaluations with remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) applications. E-mail: linyi11@zju.edu.cn
Ligang Ma earned his Bachelor’s degree in 2009 from Jilin University, China and is a Ph.D Candidate in Institution of Remote Sensing and Information System Application at Zhejiang University, China. His current research interests focus on remote sensing image classification. E-mail: 11114054@zju.edu.cn
Chaofan Wu obtained her Bachelor’s degree in 2010 from Taiyuan University of Technology, China and is a Ph.D student in Institution of Remote Sensing and Information System Application at Zhejiang University, China. Her research fields focus on remote sensing image classification and remote sensing applications in ecological evaluations. E-mail: wu.chaofanl@163.com
Ke Wang is a Professor in College of Environmental & Resource Sciences of Zhejiang University, China and is a Senior Research Scientist of the Institution of Remote Sensing and Information System Application of Zhejiang University, China. His research interests are application of remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS), rice nutrition diagnosis and land use planning. E-mail: kwang@zju.edu.cn
Yang Hong is currently Professor of hydro-meteorology-climatology and remote sensing in the School of Civil Engineering & Environmental Sciences at the University of Oklahoma and adjunct faculty member of Tsinghua University. Dr. Hong has served on several international and national committees, review panels, and editorial board of several journals. Dr. Hong’s areas of research span the wide range of hydrology-meteorology-climatology, with particular interest in bridging the gap among the water-weather-climate-human systems across scales in space and time. E-mail: yanghong@ou.edu
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