Post-VMS mineralization deformations (1880–1820 Ma) of the Skellefte district (Sweden): insights from the spatial pattern of VMS occurrences
Emmanuel John M. CARRANZA, Martiya SADEGHI
Front. Earth Sci. ›› 2014, Vol. 8 ›› Issue (3) : 319-324.
Post-VMS mineralization deformations (1880–1820 Ma) of the Skellefte district (Sweden): insights from the spatial pattern of VMS occurrences
In the last two to three decades or so, the spatial pattern of mineral occurrences of a deposit-type has been studied to derive insights to mineralization controls and assist mineral exploration. In the Skellefte district, Fry plots of volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) mines/prospects reveal patterns that are likely due to post-mineralization deformation events. The fractal dimensions of the spatial patterns of the present-day VMS mines/prospects and that of the ‘original’ VMS deposits support the concept that spatial patterns of mineral deposits are spatially-invariant. Therefore, analysis of the spatial pattern of mineral deposits is useful not only in research about pre- and syn-mineralization geological settings but also post-mineralization geological settings.
fractal / Fry analysis / mineral deposits / structural history / orogenic belts
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