CO2 geological storage into a lateral aquifer of an offshore gas field in the South China Sea: storage safety and project design
Liang ZHANG, Dexiang LI, Justin EZEKIEL, Weidong ZHANG, Honggang MI, Shaoran REN
Front. Earth Sci. ›› 2015, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (2) : 286-299.
CO2 geological storage into a lateral aquifer of an offshore gas field in the South China Sea: storage safety and project design
The DF1-1 gas field, located in the western South China Sea, contains a high concentration of CO2, thus there is great concern about the need to reduce the CO2 emissions. Many options have been considered in recent years to dispose of the CO2 separated from the natural gas stream on the Hainan Island. In this study, the feasibility of CO2 storage in the lateral saline aquifer of the DF1-1 gas field is assessed, including aquifer selection and geological assessment, CO2 migration and storage safety, project design, and economic analysis. Six offshore aquifers have been investigated for CO2 geological storage. The lateral aquifer of the DF1-1 gas field has been selected as the best target for CO2 injection and storage because of its proven sealing ability, and the large storage capacity of the combined aquifer and hydrocarbon reservoir geological structure. The separated CO2 will be dehydrated on the Hainan Island and transported by a long-distance subsea pipeline in supercritical or liquid state to the central platform of the DF1-1 gas field for pressure adjustment. The CO2 will then be injected into the lateral aquifer via a subsea well-head through a horizontal well. Reservoir simulations suggest that the injected CO2 will migrate slowly upwards in the aquifer without disturbing the natural gas production. The scoping economic analysis shows that the unit storage cost of the project is approximately US$26‒31/ton CO2 with the subsea pipeline as the main contributor to capital expenditure (CAPEX), and the dehydration system as the main factor of operating expenditure (OPEX).
DF1-1 gas field / CO2 storage / lateral saline aquifer / storage safety / project design
Fig.1 (a) The best track of typhoon Lekima and accumulated rainfall from 1200 UTC on August 8 to 0000 UTC on August 13, 2019 (unit: mm; shaded); (b) MSLP (unit: hPa; observation: solid black line, forecasts with different initial times: black dashed lines) in the typhoon center at 6-h intervals from 1200 UTC on August 6 to 0000 UTC on August 13, 2019. The vertical dashed line indicates the landfall time of Lekima. The dashed curves represent all precipitation forecasts in this study. The red one represents the case used for later detailed analysis (Fig. 7 and Fig. 8). |
Fig.2 (a), (c), and (e) The verification measures of ETS, POD and FAR for rainfall forecasts with different lead times. (b), (d), and (f) The same as (a), (c), and (e), but for the rainfall after the CRA displacement adjustment. The x-axis represents different forecast lead times. The solid, dashed, dotted lines, and the asterisks represent the results for 30 mm, 50 mm, 100 mm, and 250 mm rainfall, respectively. |
Fig.3 Average contribution rates of the four error sources to the total rainfall error for different forecast lead times and different rainfall thresholds. (a) 0–6 h, (b) 0–24 h, (c) 24–48 h, (d) 48–72 h and (e) 0–72 h. R, D, V, and P represent the rotation, displacement, volume and pattern error components, respectively. The x-axis is the rainfall threshold (mm) and the y-axis is the error contribution (%). |
Fig.4 (a), (c), and (e) The rainfall forecast verification measures of ETS, POD, and FAR during different stages of the typhoon life cycle (from 24 h before the landfall to being weakened to a tropical depression). (b), (d), and (f) The same as (a), (c), and (e), but for the results after the displacement adjustment based on the CRA method. “−24 h,” “0 h,” “24 h,” “48 h”, and “72 h” shown on the x-axis represent the time of 24 h before the landfall ( −24 h), at the time of landfall (0 h), and 24/48/72 h after the landfall (24/48/72 h), respectively. The solid, dashed, dotted lines and the squares represent 30 mm, 50 mm, 100 mm, and 250 mm rainfall, respectively. |
Fig.5 The same as Fig. 3, but for the rainfall during different landfall stages. “−24 h,” “0 h,” “24 h,” “48 h”, and “72 h” shown on the x-axis represent the time of 24 h before the landfall ( −24 h), at the time of landfall (0 h), and 24/48/72 h after the landfall (24/48/72 h), respectively. |
Fig.6 The 24 h accumulated rainfall observations and forecasts of typhoon Lekima during (a) 2019080900–2019081000 UTC and (b) 2019081000–2019081100 UTC, respectively. The merged rainfall from the observation (the 1st column), the forecasted rainfall from the model (the 2nd column), the forecasted rainfall after the displacement adjustment based on the CRA method (the 3rd column), and the merged and shifted model rainfall based on the CRA method (the 4th column) are shown. |
Tab.1 CRA verification for 24 h accumulated rainfall forecasts (Fcst) with 24 h lead time |
2019080900–2019081000 | 2019081000–2019081100 | |||||||
Statistics on CRA grid | Obs | Fcst | Obs | Fcst | ||||
Girdpoints>50 mm·d−1 | 3357 | 2912 | 2798 | 2416 | ||||
Average rain rate/(mm·d−1) | 73 | 73 | 77 | 51 | ||||
Maximum rainrate/(mm·d−1) | 457 | 275 | 312 | 158 | ||||
90% rain rate/(mm·d−1) | 124 | 159 | 162 | 82 | ||||
Rain volume/km3 | 38 | 38 | 35 | 24 | ||||
Fcst | Move | M+R | Fcst | Move | M+R | |||
Correlation coefficient | 0.41 | 0.7 | 0.7 | 0.06 | 0.25 | 0.28 | ||
RMSE/(mm·d−1) | 61 | 43.5 | 43.5 | 69.8 | 64.3 | 63.6 | ||
2019080900–2019081000 | 2019081000–2019081100 | |||||||
Skill scores | Fcst | Obs | Fcst | Obs | ||||
Probability of detection (POD) | 0.59 | 0.64 | 0.53 | 0.52 | ||||
False alarm ratio (FAR) | 0.34 | 0.26 | 0.4 | 0.4 | ||||
Equitable threat score (ETS) | 0.36 | 0.44 | 0.32 | 0.31 | ||||
Error decomposition | 2019080900–2019081000 | 2019081000–2019081100 | ||||||
Rotation error | 0% | 2% | ||||||
Displacement error | 49% | 11% | ||||||
Volume error | 0% | 13% | ||||||
Pattern error | 51% | 74% |
Fig.7 (a) Observed and (b) forecasted 6-h rainfall (unit: mm·h−1; initial forecast time: 1200 UTC on August 8, 2019) during the landfall (2019080818–2019081000 UTC). The origin of the figure is the typhoon center. The x- and y-axis shows the grid points away from the typhoon center. The grid distance is 0.1°. |
Fig.8 Comparison between the ECMWF initial analysis and the GRAPES-TCM forecast (initial forecast time: 1200 UTC on August 8, 2019) during the landfall. (a) Temporal change of environmental VWS between 200 and 850 hPa (unit: m·s−1; red: ECMWF analysis; blue: the GRAPES-TCM forecast; arrow: the VWS direction; black vertical dashed line: the landfall time of typhoon). (b) and (c) are the 850 hPa relative vorticity (unit: 10−5·s−1) from the ECMWF analysis and GRAPES-TCM forecast, respectively. The origin of the figure is the typhoon center. The x- and y-axis show the grid points away from the typhoon center. The grid distance in (b) and (c) is 0.25° and 0.1°, respectively. |
Fig.9 The same as Fig. 7, but for (a) observed (top two panels) and (b) forecasted rainfall (bottom two panels) at an interval of 6 h during the TC weakening stage when the typhoon moved further inland during 2019081018–2019081200 UTC (unit: mm·h−1 , initial forecast time: 100 UTC on August 10, 2019). The dashed and solid lines (shown in Fig. 9(a) and Fig. 9(b), respectively) represent the observed and forecasted TC tracks for the every 6-h rainfall period. |
Fig.10 (a) and (b) The 850 hPa frontogenesis (unit: 10−8 K·m−1·s−1) from the ECMWF analysis and the GRAPES-TCM forecast (initial forecast time: 1000 UTC on August 10, 2019), respectively. (c) and (d) The 850hPa equivalent potential temperature advection (unit: 10−1 K·s−1) from the ECMWF analysis and the GRAPES-TCM forecast, respectively. |
Liang Zhang is a Lecturer in the School of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum (CUP). He earned his BSc and PhD degrees in Petroleum Engineering from CUP in 2006 and 2011, respectively. His research interests focus on CO2 resource utilization, CO2 geological storage, gas injection for IOR, and unconventional oil and gas development. Email address: zhangliangkb@163.com
Dexiang Li is a first year PhD student in the School of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum (CUP). He earned his BSc degree (2011) in petroleum engineering from CUP. His research fields include CO2 geological storage and solutions for CO2 leakage risk, etc. Email address: 329482582@qq.com
Justin Ezekiel is an MSc student in the School of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum (CUP). He earned his BSc degree (2009) in Petroleum Geosciences from the Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria. His research interests focus on reservoir characterization, oil & gas field development, gas injection for IOR, etc. Email address: justinezzy@gmail.com
Weidong Zhang is a Professor in the School of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum (CUP). He earned his BSc and PhD degrees in Oil and Gas Welling Drilling Engineering in 1990 and 2010, respectively. His research interests include CO2 storage mechanisms, natural gas hydration, coalbed methane, rock mechanics, and engineering. Email address: wdzhang@upc.edu.cn
Honggang Mi is a senior engineer in the Exploration and Development Division, Zhanjiang Branch Company of CNOOC. He has more than 10 years working experience on reservoir engineering. Email address: mihg@cnooc.com.cn
Shaoran Ren is a professor and Taishan Scholar in the School of Petroleum Engineering, China University of Petroleum (CUP). He earned his BSc and MSc degrees (1982 and 1985) in petroleum engineering from CUP, and his PhD degree (1993) in chemical engineering from the Imperial College, London, England. He worked for Bath University and Heriot-Watt University in the UK for over 10 years before joining UPC in 2005. His research interests cover gas/air injection for IOR, CO2 EOR & Storage, gas hydrates, and oilfield flow assurance. Email address: rensr@upc.edu.cn
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