Imbricate structure of the Permian Yoshii Group in the Otakeyama area, Okayama Prefecture, southwest Japan
Tsuyoshi ITO, Atsushi MATSUOKA
Front. Earth Sci. ›› 2015, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (1) : 152-163.
Imbricate structure of the Permian Yoshii Group in the Otakeyama area, Okayama Prefecture, southwest Japan
The Yoshii Group of the Akiyoshi terrane is distributed over the Otakeyama area, Okayama Prefecture, southwest Japan. The Yoshii Group is composed of siliceous rocks and clastics, comprising chert-clastic sequences. The Yoshii Group is divided into four structural units (Units Ot 1, Ot 2, Ot 3, and Ot 4) in structurally ascending order. Lithological similarities and radiolarian age suggest that these units exhibit almost identical ocean plate stratigraphy. These units are structurally-repeated to form an imbricate structure. This structure was possibly formed by off-scrape accretion at a toe of an accretionary complex. Additionally, a review of previous studies indicates that an imbricate structure is common in the Akiyoshi terrane. The presence of an imbricate structure in the Akiyoshi terrane, Permian accretionary complex, indicates the possibility that a specific horizon of Permian pelagic sequences acted as a décollement zone.
accretionary complex / imbricate structure / Permian radiolaria / Yoshii Group / Okayama Prefecture / southwest Japan
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