Local-scale systems input-output analysis of embodied water for the Beijing economy in 2007
Mengyao HAN, Shan GUO, Hui CHEN, Xi JI, Jiashuo LI
Front. Earth Sci. ›› 2014, Vol. 8 ›› Issue (3) : 414-426.
Local-scale systems input-output analysis of embodied water for the Beijing economy in 2007
Using the most detailed and recent statistics available for Beijing, a local-scale embodiment analysis on water use was conducted, employing a systems input-output analysis that integrates economic systems with natural resources data. Systems analysis for water research at the local scale is a crucial part of a systems oriented water accounting framework. To our knowledge, however, related works have not been thoroughly conducted. In this paper, a set of embodied water intensity inventory data is presented, which is applicable to both intermediate input and final demand. Also, detailed analyses of Beijing’s embodied water use accounting are presented. The embodied water intensity of the Water Production and Supply Industry Sector turns out to be the highest among the 42 sectors. For water embodied in final demand, the total amount is 3.48 km3, of which the water embodied in urban household consumption makes up nearly a half proportion. As a net virtual water importer, Beijing’s water embodied in commodity trade totals 5.84×108 m3. As a result, in addition to improvements in technology and water use efficiency, adjustments in industrial structure and trade policies are also of significant importance to water conservation efforts.
input-output analysis / Beijing / embodied water intensity / virtual water trade
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